After much anticipation, the first day of school finally arrived. Katty was so excited she was up no less than 10 times last night. The girls were thrilled, they've had their outfits ready for days. Connor, not so much. He could barely keep his eyes open. He wasn't what you would call thrilled about going to school this morning, though surprisingly, he did not complain once. Poor bugger, he's in a 5/6 split and he is the only boy in grade 6. The girls were so excited, they were ready and out waiting for the bus 15 minutes early. And as luck would have it, the bus was 15 minutes late. They were so not impressed (me neither).. apparently the bus wouldn't start. Call me foolish, but I would think they would check all of the buses before the first day of school to make sure they were all good to go. I know, I'm foolish. We finally got them on the bus, and then met them at the school to help them find their classes. Connor has the same teacher as last year, and we're so hoping he'll have a better year this year. Actually, he will have a better year this year or he'll be going to boot camp faster than he can say Nintendo DS. Libby quite happily went off with her new teacher. Her best friend Melora is in her class again, so she was happy as Larry. Katty almost ended up with the same teacher as last year, as the Frau is teaching a grade 1/2 split, but luckily she ended up in the straight grade 2 class. She is quite happy her friend Melissa is in her class, and they are setting together. I'm reasonably sure by the end of the week that will change because they are both chatty Kathy's. In fact, I'd bet money on it. They all came home happy, in spite of the fact they all had homework. In fact, I'd say Libby was positively giddy about having homework to do (don't know where she gets that from) Katty actually had 6 work sheets to do! Even Connor had a good day, no marks from his teacher, and he did all of his homework without complaining once. Let's hope he keeps it up. I know, I'm not holding my breath.
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."~~Aristotle