Saturday, 27 October 2007

Going Wonkers...

I went to Kaddywonkers today, and no, that's not a new term for "crazy", though as many of you know, I can be pretty crazy. No, Kaddywonkers is the name of the gift store here in Pembroke that sells my signs. Actually, I worked at Kaddywonkers today. They've asked me to lend a hand during the Holiday shopping season, so I started doing some training today. They only need me two days a week, 10 hours all together, which is perfect. I'll be working Thursday evenings, and Saturdays. I still get my Monday-Friday days too myself to work on my signs, which is fantastic. I might even do a little housework during those days as well, hard to say. My first day was great, very easy stuff really. Learning the ins and outs of the cash register, and debit machine. I also got to unpack and price some things and help out with some of the displays. Right up my alley. The store was actually pretty quiet, which was nice for training. It was crazy (or kaddywonkers) how many people came in looking for Christmas stuff, already. Some were actually annoyed when Lisa (one of the co-owners) told them we wouldn't have it out until after Halloween. Hello, it's OCTOBER.. Christmas isn't for another two whole months. Who's funnier than people? I think it will be a lot of fun working there, Lisa and Cathie are loads of fun, and I can't wait to see all of their Christmas goodies, but not until 1 November though. Actually, I got the sneak peek today, yummy, I can't wait until it's all out. I love Christmas. Although, I'm sure by Christmas I may be sick of it all.

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."~~Benjamin Disraeli

Friday, 26 October 2007

The Homecoming Parade...

Well, you might have noticed I have been extremely tardy with the blog. And yes, I did read all of your complaints. And ignored them. We have had an extremely hectic two months since Dan came home. Two months, can you believe that? If only the time he was away had gone that fast, but never mind.

Today was the Homecoming parade for Roto3. It was also a PD day for the kids (groan), which worked out well as they got to come with me to the parade. Basically it was a parade welcoming the guys home from Afghanistan, and 525 guys were presented well deserved medals for their work in Afghanistan. Our good friend Derek, and one of the soldiers from the Battery received a Commendation for their work in Afghanistan. Again, very well deserved. There were many, many proud families there today, including ours. It was the first time the kids have seen Dan on parade with the Battery. Pretty cool stuff when you are a kid. Pretty cool stuff when you are a wife too, by the way. We even got reserved sitting (too bad the wankers who organized it put us on the completely opposite end from Dan's battery, hence the lack of photos of the parade itself). 122 of the 190 soldiers and officers in Dan's Battery were there today. The kids were amazed to see how many soldiers he commanded, especially Elizabeth. Her big question, "Mommy, how does Daddy look after all of those soldiers when he can't even keep track of his own wallet? " A good question as he has lost it no less than 4 times since he came home, I kid you not, but we won't go there as it makes me really cranky. After the medal ceremony, Dan's Battery had a smaller ceremony where guys were presented some other medals they have earned over the last year. After the ceremony was all over, there was a reception, where the kids filled up on brownies and juice. You might be able to tell that from the pictures. Oh, and after we got home, Katty went off to a Brownies sleepover for the night, where she was going to eat more candy and chocolate. She's going to be loads of fun tomorrow! I'm sorry I'm going to miss it, I'll be out all day (more on that tomorrow). Tomorrow will be daddy's first full day alone with the kids since he got home. I'm pretty sure the skittle king left some extra bags of skittles here Thanksgiving weekend. Think I'll pass those out right before I leave in the morning! Mwahahahahaha!

You might wonder where Connor was for the photos.. he took off into the house before I could catch him.. to get his "fancy" clothes off. Boys!

"Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars."~~Serbian Proverb.