Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting....

Well, it's not exactly Kung Fu (I just like that song), but it's close. Kind of, I think. Actually I have no idea, and I am far to lazy (or uninterested, take your pick) to Google it. Connor and Libby (as well as most of Woodland Crescent) started Karate lessons tonight. I can see a few Karate chops coming on! What were we thinking? God help us, why are we encouraging them to learn karate? Oh, actually I do know, to defend themselves from Katty. Anyway, they both had a blast. Our neighbour across the street is their instructor, and he's very strict. Exactly what they need, a little bit of discipline. He makes them do push ups and everything. It will be good for both of them. They go 3 times a week for an hour. Between, karate, gymnastics, and piano lessons we will be running the roads every day but Sunday and Monday, and once the pool opens, swimming lessons will take care of Sundays!! Tell me that's not going to be a hassle when Dan is out of town, and we all know how often Dan is out of town. I wonder if I painted a sign (I have the technology) "Mom's Taxi" and put it on the van if I would get a tax write off? Nah, didn't think so, but oh well. Speaking of Mom's taxi, I had to pick Connor up from school sick today. We couldn't even get through 2 weeks without one of them coming home. Seems he had a stomach ache and a headache. He must be Katty's brother! Of course, my first reaction was that they must be having some kind of a test. My bad, the poor little bugger did feel kind of yucky, though he did manage to perk himself up by 1 pm. He was up and about and quite chatty. I asked him if he wanted to go back to school. He replied, with a big grin on his face, "Mom I NEVER want to go to school, but I feel better so I'll go. Besides I want to go to Karate tonight" Hence the miraculous recovery. So off we went. He was obviously feeling better, as he talked about gorillas the entire time. Did I know we have 98.2% the same DNA as gorillas? Why yes I did, you've only told me 10 times in the last 2 days, but never mind. He managed to stay at school for the rest of the day, the rest of the day being a whopping 2.5 hours. He even came home, happy as Larry, showing me all of the text books he brought home. He went right to the table and did his homework right away. The whole doing his homework without complaining thing is still freaking me out. Maybe that's why his stomach hurts, he's mutating into a good student. Ha, who am I kidding? That will never happen. Dare to dream!

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world."~~Dave Barry

Monday, 8 September 2008

What If I Get A Stitch?

To say Katherine is a bit of a Drama Queen would be an understatement. She constantly overreacts to everything! I know I've said it before, but I'm not sure where she gets this from. Certainly not from me. I would never over react to anything ever. Nope, not me, no way, no how. Just ask Dan how calm and cool I was tonight when I lost my Shoppers Optimum card. I really was quite impressed by how well I handled it all. But anyway... So the kids brought home their first newsletter of the year today. Dan and I were discussing it as Katherine was doing her homework. They have a Terry Fox Run on Sept 26, and Dan mentioned to Katherine how he thought this was great that they were all going to participate. Of course, Katty being Katty had to disagree with him. Quite vehemently in fact. "I HATE the Terry Fox Run". Of course, Dan and I were appalled at this and asked her why. "Because we have to run." Well, duh, they don't call it the Terry Fox RUN for nothing. "What if I get a stitch?" Oh my. Dan than proceeded to tell her all about who Terry Fox is, and that we have a run each year to raise money for cancer research. "I know who Terry Fox is Daddy, I learned about him in Kindergarten." So sorry to bore you darling. We then proceeded to discuss with her the people in her family who have had cancer or died from it. Poppa's Mommy, Grumpy's Daddy, Gramma's brother and Gramma's Mommy, Nanny Doris may have cancer too. "Cancer is not very nice." Stupid dumb cancer! Indeed. "Fine I'll do the run, but I won't be very happy if I get a stitch!" That's our Katty. A little hypochondriac in the making. Her and Howard Hughes would get along great. Her most important school supply? Purell Hand Sanitizer for her desk! And I DO know where she gets the hypochondria trait from. Little Miss What If. She's so much like her Nana, Dan and I both call her Maureen on a regular basis! Oh, she loves that! The looks she gives us could freaking bend metal! She still won't ride her two wheeler for God's sake. She knows how to ride it, but "what if I fall and scratch my knees?" I've never seen anyone worry about her health so much as her (besides Nana that is!). What's that white mark on my cheek? What is that bump from? I have a scratch! I have a bruise! Seriously, I have no idea what we are going to do with her! And she's decided she wants to take gymnastics. She starts next week. That will last about as long as it takes her to fall off the balance beam the first time. What if I break my leg falling off of the balance beam? Thank God they have a refund policy. I have a feeling we'll be asking for one before the month is out.

"Imaginary pains are by far the most real we suffer, since we feel a constant need for them and invent them because there is no way of doing without them."~~E.M. Cioran