Well, today was an exciting day in the Bobbitt household. Dan started his French Course today. The hours are sweet, from 7:45 am until 3:3o pm. I seriously don't remember the last time Dan came home from work before 5 :30 pm! We are totally going to be spoiled! And even more exciting than that, we actually found out where we are moving! Dan was selected to attend Staff College in Fort Leavenworth Kansas. Yes, that's right, we're moving to Kansas!!! And yes, that's the same place as the Federal Penitentiary Leavenworth (I hear they make really nice wrought iron there). I guess that means the girls and I need some ruby red slippers. Oh yeah, Momma's gettin her some new shoes! We can hardly believe it! It totally has not sunk in yet! We were convinced we were going to go to Toronto for the year. We will be moving to Kansas sometime this summer, and we'll be there for 12-24 months. The first year we are there, Dan will be taking the Lt Cols course, and if he is selected for the second year, he will be getting his Masters Degree in Advanced Military Studies. We are so proud of him, he's worked so hard and it's great to see that hard work paying off! I must say though, I am a bit disappointed we didn't get England. England would have been awesome! It was our first choice, followed by Virginia, and then Kansas. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. There were 6 Gunners selected to attend Staff College this year, and Dan was the only one who got an OutCan (Outside of Canada) posting. Wahoo for us!! The kids are very excited, and understandably nervous. We are all thrilled we aren't going to Toronto. We were very apprehensive about the kids going to school in Toronto. Every time we turn the news on lately, another high school student has been stabbed or shot. I would have been a basket case every time the kids went to school there!! We have very good friends who spent two years in Kansas for the same course and they absolutely loved it! They didn't want to leave, which has made us feel really good about the whole move. Of course, now we have to work out all of the logistics, such as when we have to be there etc. we're not sure if we will be able to make it home to Nova Scotia this summer. We will all be gutted if we can't go!! Hopefully, we'll start to get more details after Christmas. And of course, we have to sell our house here. Urgh, it gives me heart burn just thinking about it. Never mind, we'll worry about that after Christmas. For now we will just revel in our excitement. While it lasts that is, God knows with the army it could change 15 times between now and this summer. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen! Because you all know how cranky I'm going to be if it does!
"Kansas is the most quintessential of American states. It is, after all, where Superman and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz grew up, and all the towns I went through had a cozy, leafy, timeless air to them."~Bill Bryson