We left Petawawa bright and early this morning. I thought the kids might be a little blue about leaving Pet for the last time, but they never said a word. In fact, they were good as gold all day. Today was the longest part of our journey, seven hours to Uncle Gerry and Aunt Pat's house in London. We've been back in Ontario for four years, and haven't managed to visit them once, which is terrible. Every time we had a weekend planned, Dan ended up being away for work. We figured as we were driving right through London, we could finally get a visit in. Katherine has been saying for weeks this was the only part of the move she was looking forward to. I think that might have something to do with the fact Uncle Gerry is known for his stash of Skittles. And of course, the Skittle King did not disappoint, there was a large stash waiting for each of them when we arrived. And of course, he may have also had some cold beers waiting for Dan. We had a fantastic visit with them. We spent the afternoon visiting and catching up. And of course, Pat fed us one of her famously wonderful meals! We were so glad Geoff and John were able to come see us. And we finally got to meet Geoff's girlfriend Mehvish. What a sweety. The only downside of the day was the Penguins loss to the Red Wings, Connor was not amused. You'll be happy to know there were no tears today (from me or the kids). Hopefully the rest of the trip goes as well. Fingers crossed!
"Life isn't all beer and skittles, but beer and skittles, or something better of the same sort, must form a good part of every Englishman's education." - Thomas J Watson Sr.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Friday, 5 June 2009
I'll Be Seeing You....
We are officially homeless! Today was our last day in Petawawa. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems that three years flew by in the blink of an eye!!! It has been 10 years since we left Pet the first time, and what a difference 10 years makes.. the first time we left, I couldn't get out of here fast enough, this time, I really was in no hurry to leave. Who would have thunk it? Not me, I'll tell you that! We have had a wonderful three years in Pet. And yes, I really do mean that....even with Dan being gone for most of the first two years, and his illness after the Ironman. If there's one thing I can say about Army life, there are lots of ups and downs.. but it's those experiences that help us form the bonds and friendships we do, and they make us stronger and more resilient. Sometimes though, Army life plain sucks, like times like these when we have to say goodbye to our dearest friends. But as I told Elizabeth the other day when she was angry with the military because we are moving, if it weren't for the military, we wouldn't have been here in the first place, and we would never have made these wonderful friends we are so sad to say goodbye too!!
So, as is par for the course with us, nothing ever goes smoothly. Our last day in Pet started with the dishwasher breaking one hour before the home inspection. We turned it on to run through a cleaning cycle and ended up with water all over the floor. Needless to say, we were not happy, but there was nothing we could do about it, so we wrote a cheque for the new owners to replace the dishwasher. We just didn't want the hassle of repair bills, especially as we are leaving the country. After that excitement, I went out for lunch with the Sistas (God, I'm going to miss them!); and Dan and his BFF (Derek) had lunch together and played video games one last time. The rest of the day was spent running errands and then we had a lovely supper with the Gallaghers. After that it was back to the cottage, where we were joined by the Gallaghers and Crabbes. The kids hung out in the hot tub and then we had a nice campfire. It was a wonderful way to spend our last night in Pet.... the only thing that would have made it better were Jen's famous Smores!!! And then it was time for the dreaded goodbyes. I really hate saying goodbye. Have I mentioned that? I'm so proud of the kids.. they handled it all so well. Me not so much.. I sobbed like a baby for almost an hour after the kids went to bed. We have the best friends in the world, and we will miss them dearly! I wish we never had to say goodbye to any of them, but alas we do. But as is often the case in the military, we part knowing that someday, we will meet again! Today is done, and I am glad. Tomorrow is a new day..the beginning of the next chapter of the Bobbitt Adventures. I for one can't wait to see what happens next.
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends." ~Richard Bach
So, as is par for the course with us, nothing ever goes smoothly. Our last day in Pet started with the dishwasher breaking one hour before the home inspection. We turned it on to run through a cleaning cycle and ended up with water all over the floor. Needless to say, we were not happy, but there was nothing we could do about it, so we wrote a cheque for the new owners to replace the dishwasher. We just didn't want the hassle of repair bills, especially as we are leaving the country. After that excitement, I went out for lunch with the Sistas (God, I'm going to miss them!); and Dan and his BFF (Derek) had lunch together and played video games one last time. The rest of the day was spent running errands and then we had a lovely supper with the Gallaghers. After that it was back to the cottage, where we were joined by the Gallaghers and Crabbes. The kids hung out in the hot tub and then we had a nice campfire. It was a wonderful way to spend our last night in Pet.... the only thing that would have made it better were Jen's famous Smores!!! And then it was time for the dreaded goodbyes. I really hate saying goodbye. Have I mentioned that? I'm so proud of the kids.. they handled it all so well. Me not so much.. I sobbed like a baby for almost an hour after the kids went to bed. We have the best friends in the world, and we will miss them dearly! I wish we never had to say goodbye to any of them, but alas we do. But as is often the case in the military, we part knowing that someday, we will meet again! Today is done, and I am glad. Tomorrow is a new day..the beginning of the next chapter of the Bobbitt Adventures. I for one can't wait to see what happens next.
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends." ~Richard Bach
Thursday, 12 February 2009
A Needle In A Haystack....

If I haven't mentioned it yet, this OutCan screening really is a pain in the ass (or in the arm, as the case may be). As part of our screening, we needed a copy of all of our immunization records. You'd think we were moving to or from the Congo for God's sake, but never mind. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. The kids were easy enough, they each received an Immunization booklet when they were born. And Dan has a special needle book, his is an International Certificates of Vaccination (I do not have needle book envy, honest). The army takes vaccinations very seriously, which makes sense given soldiers are sent all over the world on operations and they need to be well protected. Since Dan joined the army, he has had more vaccinations than the rest of us combined! Have I mentioned he absolutely HATES needles? Poor baby! Typhoid, yellow fever (I'd never even heard of that one!), TB..... you name it, he's had it. Except for Japaneses Encephalitis.. he hasn't had that shot yet, but I'm sure it's in his future, as there is a page for it in his needle book. So, as you may have guessed, I'm the only one without an Immunization booklet. No needle book= no record of my childhood immunizations (this might account for the needle book envy I don't have, really, I don't). Urgh!! I spent the better part of a week trying to track down a record of my childhood immunizations. You can guess how much fun that was. I'm sure it was much like trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack. I thought the best place to start would be with my medical records, surely my immunization record would be in my chart. How foolishly naive I was! Trying to track down my medical records has got to be one of the most frustrating endeavours I have under taken. I'm not kidding you. It's a problem common with a lot of military families, we're constantly moving from province to province, doctor to doctor (if we're lucky enough to even find a doctor that is). Sometimes our chart makes the journey with us, sometimes not. Unfortunately for me, mine hasn't made it back to Petawawa yet. After 4 days, I did finally manage to track my chart down, only to discover, when your chart gets sent on to a new doctor, only part of the chart moves with you, so the likelihood my childhood records are in that chart are slim to none. Too bad somebody couldn't have told me that on day 1 of my quest! After all, it's not like I don't have anything better to do with my time, like say, fill out more screening forms. Some of the offices were most helpful, others not so much. On day 4, I made another trip to my doctor's office. Of course, I'd already been there 2 times before, but third times a charm. I finally talked to a nurse who has worked for Public Health, and she felt my best bet would be to call our local Public Health Office. What a brilliant idea, too bad none of the 20 other people I talked to along the way had thought of that. So, after I had wasted 4 days searching for the illusive charts, I had my answer in 20 minutes. I kid you not, 20 minutes! The mind really does boggle sometimes! If I absolutely had to have a copy of my Immunization record, the best people to talk to would be Public Health in Nova Scotia. However (there's always got to be that caveat, doesn't there?), Public Health Nova Scotia is notoriously a pain in the ass for getting records from, as in it can take many phone calls and up to 6 months to get any information from them. Ontario hates to deal with them. I'm still not sure if this might not be another example of the classic Upper Canadian attitude that everything in the Maritimes is backwards or not, but I didn't have time to wait and find out. So, after all that run around, what it all boiled down too was have a blood test done to see what immunizations I have (which could take a couple of weeks and not always reliable anyway), or have them all done over again. Having them down all over again was definitely the quickest option (and the most painful as well), but it had to be done. And as it turned out, I needed boosters for all my vaccinations anyway, (too bad nobody bothered to tell me that 4 days ago!) as I had my last vaccination when I was 15. My bad. So, off I went to the weekly Vaccination Clinic that they hold at the Military Resource Centre on Base. Just me and all the infants getting our shots. Luckily, I only had to get 5 boosters, in 2 needles. And I didn't even cry! Not one tear, aren't you proud of me? The nurse was really nice but you know, she never even asked me if I wanted a sticker, let alone a sucker! I was really looking forward to that sucker too. I might have to complain about that when I go back for my Hep A&B shot. It's just not fair! Hmmph! She did put 2 really pretty circle band aids on my arm. The needles themselves didn't hurt, but my arm sure as hell hurts tonight. Not that I'm getting any sympathy from Dan mind you, it's just not his way. The kids, on the other hand, were most concerned about my arm when they got home from school. That probably has something to do with the fact that there's some Hep A shots in their future, and they might be looking for a little sympathy of their own. Poor Connor even gets to have a Meningitis shot. I don't think he was amused when I told him it was a bonus for turning 13!! I wonder if he'll forgive me if I give him a sucker when he gets home? Probably not! Oh well! But wait, I almost forgot to mention the best part of my day... I finally got an Immunization Booklet of my very own! Just, what I have always wanted! I know, it's not special like Dan's (how could it be), but it's a lot prettier. It's a lovely antique mustard colour, and do you want to know what's best of all? Mine has it's very own protective plastic case! Imagine it! That's right, that's what I'm talking about! Who has needle book envy now baby?
“I am a world-class weenie when it comes to letting people stick needles into me. My subconscious mind firmly believes that if God had wanted us to have direct access to our bloodstreams, He would have equipped our skin with small, clearly marked doors.”~Dave Barry
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
A Long Time Gone....

Oh my, it really has been forever since I last blogged. Have you missed me? (and yes Daddy, I was gone). As they say, " Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Well, I hope so anyway. I did have the best of intentions, really I did. So much has happened since September (duh it has been 5 months after all), so I guess I have a lot of catching up to do. Most of you already know the key highlights (or low points, as they were). The Bobbitt Blog, and everything else in the Bobbitt world was derailed by Dan's sudden illness after competing in the Ironman (now there's a blog for you, perhaps I should publish some back issues of the blog). Two months, and an emergency visit from his parents later, life went somewhat back to normal, just in time for Christmas. Shortly before Christmas, Dan finally started his 6 month French Course and we also got word of our upcoming posting this summer, and have spent the last month preparing the house to go on the market, and filling out paperwork and lots of it (yes, the Army does love it some paperwork). So, our screening paperwork is in, the fence is down, the garage is clean (Thank God for that, I was losing sleep at night over that one), the baseboards are painted, and the downstairs bathroom is partially refinished. God knows we still have tons to do (and yes, I really do loss sleep over that), but we thought now was as good as time as any to get back to the blog so you can all share our misadventures with us. I'm going to try to keep that promise I made in the fall, and get back to the daily business of blogging. And yes, I think I am even going to try to publish all of those back blogs from the last 5 months. Emphasis on try... I can't make any promises, other than I will do my best. And as we still tell Connor, as long as he tries his best, we're happy. Well, most of the time that is.
"Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." ~Swami Sivananda
Monday, 15 December 2008
There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home...

Well, today was an exciting day in the Bobbitt household. Dan started his French Course today. The hours are sweet, from 7:45 am until 3:3o pm. I seriously don't remember the last time Dan came home from work before 5 :30 pm! We are totally going to be spoiled! And even more exciting than that, we actually found out where we are moving! Dan was selected to attend Staff College in Fort Leavenworth Kansas. Yes, that's right, we're moving to Kansas!!! And yes, that's the same place as the Federal Penitentiary Leavenworth (I hear they make really nice wrought iron there). I guess that means the girls and I need some ruby red slippers. Oh yeah, Momma's gettin her some new shoes! We can hardly believe it! It totally has not sunk in yet! We were convinced we were going to go to Toronto for the year. We will be moving to Kansas sometime this summer, and we'll be there for 12-24 months. The first year we are there, Dan will be taking the Lt Cols course, and if he is selected for the second year, he will be getting his Masters Degree in Advanced Military Studies. We are so proud of him, he's worked so hard and it's great to see that hard work paying off! I must say though, I am a bit disappointed we didn't get England. England would have been awesome! It was our first choice, followed by Virginia, and then Kansas. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. There were 6 Gunners selected to attend Staff College this year, and Dan was the only one who got an OutCan (Outside of Canada) posting. Wahoo for us!! The kids are very excited, and understandably nervous. We are all thrilled we aren't going to Toronto. We were very apprehensive about the kids going to school in Toronto. Every time we turn the news on lately, another high school student has been stabbed or shot. I would have been a basket case every time the kids went to school there!! We have very good friends who spent two years in Kansas for the same course and they absolutely loved it! They didn't want to leave, which has made us feel really good about the whole move. Of course, now we have to work out all of the logistics, such as when we have to be there etc. we're not sure if we will be able to make it home to Nova Scotia this summer. We will all be gutted if we can't go!! Hopefully, we'll start to get more details after Christmas. And of course, we have to sell our house here. Urgh, it gives me heart burn just thinking about it. Never mind, we'll worry about that after Christmas. For now we will just revel in our excitement. While it lasts that is, God knows with the army it could change 15 times between now and this summer. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen! Because you all know how cranky I'm going to be if it does!
"Kansas is the most quintessential of American states. It is, after all, where Superman and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz grew up, and all the towns I went through had a cozy, leafy, timeless air to them."~Bill Bryson
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting....

Well, it's not exactly Kung Fu (I just like that song), but it's close. Kind of, I think. Actually I have no idea, and I am far to lazy (or uninterested, take your pick) to Google it. Connor and Libby (as well as most of Woodland Crescent) started Karate lessons tonight. I can see a few Karate chops coming on! What were we thinking? God help us, why are we encouraging them to learn karate? Oh, actually I do know, to defend themselves from Katty. Anyway, they both had a blast. Our neighbour across the street is their instructor, and he's very strict. Exactly what they need, a little bit of discipline. He makes them do push ups and everything. It will be good for both of them. They go 3 times a week for an hour. Between, karate, gymnastics, and piano lessons we will be running the roads every day but Sunday and Monday, and once the pool opens, swimming lessons will take care of Sundays!! Tell me that's not going to be a hassle when Dan is out of town, and we all know how often Dan is out of town. I wonder if I painted a sign (I have the technology) "Mom's Taxi" and put it on the van if I would get a tax write off? Nah, didn't think so, but oh well. Speaking of Mom's taxi, I had to pick Connor up from school sick today. We couldn't even get through 2 weeks without one of them coming home. Seems he had a stomach ache and a headache. He must be Katty's brother! Of course, my first reaction was that they must be having some kind of a test. My bad, the poor little bugger did feel kind of yucky, though he did manage to perk himself up by 1 pm. He was up and about and quite chatty. I asked him if he wanted to go back to school. He replied, with a big grin on his face, "Mom I NEVER want to go to school, but I feel better so I'll go. Besides I want to go to Karate tonight" Hence the miraculous recovery. So off we went. He was obviously feeling better, as he talked about gorillas the entire time. Did I know we have 98.2% the same DNA as gorillas? Why yes I did, you've only told me 10 times in the last 2 days, but never mind. He managed to stay at school for the rest of the day, the rest of the day being a whopping 2.5 hours. He even came home, happy as Larry, showing me all of the text books he brought home. He went right to the table and did his homework right away. The whole doing his homework without complaining thing is still freaking me out. Maybe that's why his stomach hurts, he's mutating into a good student. Ha, who am I kidding? That will never happen. Dare to dream!
"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world."~~Dave Barry
Monday, 8 September 2008
What If I Get A Stitch?

To say Katherine is a bit of a Drama Queen would be an understatement. She constantly overreacts to everything! I know I've said it before, but I'm not sure where she gets this from. Certainly not from me. I would never over react to anything ever. Nope, not me, no way, no how. Just ask Dan how calm and cool I was tonight when I lost my Shoppers Optimum card. I really was quite impressed by how well I handled it all. But anyway... So the kids brought home their first newsletter of the year today. Dan and I were discussing it as Katherine was doing her homework. They have a Terry Fox Run on Sept 26, and Dan mentioned to Katherine how he thought this was great that they were all going to participate. Of course, Katty being Katty had to disagree with him. Quite vehemently in fact. "I HATE the Terry Fox Run". Of course, Dan and I were appalled at this and asked her why. "Because we have to run." Well, duh, they don't call it the Terry Fox RUN for nothing. "What if I get a stitch?" Oh my. Dan than proceeded to tell her all about who Terry Fox is, and that we have a run each year to raise money for cancer research. "I know who Terry Fox is Daddy, I learned about him in Kindergarten." So sorry to bore you darling. We then proceeded to discuss with her the people in her family who have had cancer or died from it. Poppa's Mommy, Grumpy's Daddy, Gramma's brother and Gramma's Mommy, Nanny Doris may have cancer too. "Cancer is not very nice." Stupid dumb cancer! Indeed. "Fine I'll do the run, but I won't be very happy if I get a stitch!" That's our Katty. A little hypochondriac in the making. Her and Howard Hughes would get along great. Her most important school supply? Purell Hand Sanitizer for her desk! And I DO know where she gets the hypochondria trait from. Little Miss What If. She's so much like her Nana, Dan and I both call her Maureen on a regular basis! Oh, she loves that! The looks she gives us could freaking bend metal! She still won't ride her two wheeler for God's sake. She knows how to ride it, but "what if I fall and scratch my knees?" I've never seen anyone worry about her health so much as her (besides Nana that is!). What's that white mark on my cheek? What is that bump from? I have a scratch! I have a bruise! Seriously, I have no idea what we are going to do with her! And she's decided she wants to take gymnastics. She starts next week. That will last about as long as it takes her to fall off the balance beam the first time. What if I break my leg falling off of the balance beam? Thank God they have a refund policy. I have a feeling we'll be asking for one before the month is out.
"Imaginary pains are by far the most real we suffer, since we feel a constant need for them and invent them because there is no way of doing without them."~~E.M. Cioran
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