Oh my, it really has been forever since I last blogged. Have you missed me? (and yes Daddy, I was gone). As they say, " Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Well, I hope so anyway. I did have the best of intentions, really I did. So much has happened since September (duh it has been 5 months after all), so I guess I have a lot of catching up to do. Most of you already know the key highlights (or low points, as they were). The Bobbitt Blog, and everything else in the Bobbitt world was derailed by Dan's sudden illness after competing in the Ironman (now there's a blog for you, perhaps I should publish some back issues of the blog). Two months, and an emergency visit from his parents later, life went somewhat back to normal, just in time for Christmas. Shortly before Christmas, Dan finally started his 6 month French Course and we also got word of our upcoming posting this summer, and have spent the last month preparing the house to go on the market, and filling out paperwork and lots of it (yes, the Army does love it some paperwork). So, our screening paperwork is in, the fence is down, the garage is clean (Thank God for that, I was losing sleep at night over that one), the baseboards are painted, and the downstairs bathroom is partially refinished. God knows we still have tons to do (and yes, I really do loss sleep over that), but we thought now was as good as time as any to get back to the blog so you can all share our misadventures with us. I'm going to try to keep that promise I made in the fall, and get back to the daily business of blogging. And yes, I think I am even going to try to publish all of those back blogs from the last 5 months. Emphasis on try... I can't make any promises, other than I will do my best. And as we still tell Connor, as long as he tries his best, we're happy. Well, most of the time that is.
"Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." ~Swami Sivananda
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