Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Enjoy it while it lasts....

Well, believe it or not, we actually survived the first day. Not shocking really, as we have been alone much of the last 10 months while Dan was training. I had lots of calls and e-mails yesterday from all of our friends, it was great to hear from you all. Even though I'm alone, I will never be lonely, thanks to all of you.

The kids all had a good day at school yesterday, and came home in a good mood. So good in fact, they were beyond helpful, to the point that Connor actually was cleaning Katty's room for her! I'm sure this positive attitude is only short lived, so I shall enjoy it while it lasts! Considering they had been up since 4am, they did really well, only one cat fight between Kat and Lib. You'll be happy to know Katty was back in fighting form this morning. Apparently, her clothes were cold, and I should warm them up for her in the morning before she gets dressed. I can tell you, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none! I swear of all of them, she will be the one who wears me down first. Mom and Dad enjoy this immensely as they say she is a mini version of me. I'm not so sure how much of that is true.

I still haven't heard from Dan, hopefully later on today. I'm sure he is exhausted after the trip. We saw the guys leaving from Gagetown on the news yesterday. There were several familiar faces in the crowd. So many other families, just like ours. A cashhier asked me yesterday "how military wives do it." The answer is pretty simple really, we just do!

"The courage of life is often a less dramatic a spectacle than the courage of the final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy A man does what he must-in spite of personal consequences; in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures-and that is the basis of all morality." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Paters said...

It's heart-warming to read your notes Mon. If anyone can survive this as a family it's the Bobbitts for sure.
Keep me on your list of people to call when you want to kill your mini versions of you ! LOL!!!
(913) 264-4683 (H)
(913) 240-6927 (c)

dree said...

A clothes-warming tip for Katty. You roll up your clothes and stuff them in the radiator while you eat breakfast. They'll be toasty warm by the time you're done.

Ann Marie said...

Here's another idea. Mommy simply wakes up an hour or two early and warms Miss Katty's clothes - problem solved. She can also ice them down in the summer.

dree said...

Hee, Ann Marie, I read that as Marmy. I guess Little Women is an appropriate literary reference.

Nana said...

I feel like I am there with you when I read your notes. God knows, only another six weeks or so and I will be!! I'm happier then happy!!

Grandma said...

Well, daughter of mine, toss Kattie's clothes into the dryer for about 5 minutes before you give them to her.

Linda said...

Hi cousin Monica, your mom sent me your link..My heart is with you and the kids. I know it must be very hard to keep strong..But I know you can do it.. Keeping busy is a good way to pass the time.. so if you ever need to chat, just add me ..prettylady2000_2002@hotmail.com