We're off again, this time to Nova Scotia for two weeks. I'm finally all packed and ready to go tomorrow. Only 2 big suitcases this time, I learned my lesson. I just finished unpacking from the last trip, but never mind. Thank goodness the kids are great travelers, they've seen the inside of a lot of airports this summer. I've got to say, I'm glad we are flying and not driving. I just could not wrap my head around 2 days trapped inside the van. The kids and I are all happy to go, but as Elizabeth pointed out, "We'd be a lot happier if Daddy was coming with us." Ain't that the truth. It's been a long two weeks for all of us. It seems so much harder to be alone this time than the first half. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Only 5 more weeks to go, but it might as well be 5 months, it seems so far away. That's why this trip home will definitely break up the time. The kids are very anxious to get to Nana and Poppa's cottage, and to get to Gramma and Grumpy's house (apparently there is a pie waiting for them there).
So, I've been very slack with the blog, as Dan pointed out to me the other day. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done, especially now that the kids are off school. I promise to be much more regular with the blog from now on. Honest. I even have a blog written for everyday of our UK vacation. And yes Shawn, there are lots of pictures to go with them. Once I get to Mom and Dad's, I'll hopefully have time to go back and post them all, photos included. Oh, and Shawn, I am bringing home all of the pictures with me. Bring me a coffee, and I might let you look at them.
There was an article in the Globe and Mail today in which Dan was interviewed. As my friend Ann Marie told me, "You gotta love how Dan makes a missile launch sound like a late subway." Oh my, is it September yet??
"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind."~~Seneca
That's Dan for you, pragmatic about all the shooting and rockets. The incoming rocket strike was just another day on the job, almost as if he was going to Timmie's for a coffee. He doesn't take anything for granted tho and knows the Canadians have a job to do and it will get done even tho the total count of our Canadian military deaths is highedr than we wanted to see.
Hang in there you three - by the time you get back from beautiful NS, it will be down to three weeks!How exciting is that??
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