Well, we survived the sleepover. In fact, the boys were much better behaved than the crowd Connor had over last year. Dan only had to go down a couple of times. I think the last time was around 1:15 am. I'm not sure though, those decongestants I took knocked me out. The boys all left shortly after ten, and then we had a lazy morning. Dan had to go to work for an hour, so the kids and I just hung out. He was done by 12:30, and we decided on the spur of the moment to take the kids to the movie. They have been wanting to see The Waterhorse since it came out at Christmas, but it never came to the theatre in Pembroke or the Base Theatre, so we took them to Renfrew which is about 45 minutes away. Of course, the movie started at 1:30, and Dan had to come home and change. It was a bit of a goat rodeo but we actually made it. We only missed the first 5 minutes of the movie. We're lucky we made it at all, as the gas light in the van came on 20 kms from Renfrew but Dan refused to stop for gas. That would have made us even later. Of course, we're lucky we made it at all, but never mind. I'm so glad we took them, they absolutely loved it. The movie was about a little boy who finds a Waterhorse egg, which ends up being the Loch Ness Monster. The one thing that drove the kids crazy about the movie was the geographical inaccuracies. In the movie the Loch is connected to the ocean, but of course, it is not in real life. They were probably the only kids there that would know the difference. This was obviously done for plot line purposes, and is probably why most of the movie is actually filmed in New Zealand. There was a lot filmed in Scotland though, and we did recognize some of it, which the kids thought was pretty cool. They also thought it was pretty cool that the Artillery was a big part of the movie. Of course, at one point in time, they were the baddies. Damn gunners, gotta watch out for them. And of course, the movie was also about a lonely little boy whose Daddy has gone to war, something Connor could definitely relate too. Another movie I'm glad we didn't see last year while Dan was gone. After seeing it today, every one of us wants to go back to Scotland! Who knows, maybe someday we can. It doesn't hurt to dream does it?
"Dreams are free, so free your dreams."~~Astrid Alauda
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