Monday, 15 December 2008
There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home...
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting....
Monday, 8 September 2008
What If I Get A Stitch?
"Imaginary pains are by far the most real we suffer, since we feel a constant need for them and invent them because there is no way of doing without them."~~E.M. Cioran
Saturday, 2 February 2008
The Waterhorse....
Well, we survived the sleepover. In fact, the boys were much better behaved than the crowd Connor had over last year. Dan only had to go down a couple of times. I think the last time was around 1:15 am. I'm not sure though, those decongestants I took knocked me out. The boys all left shortly after ten, and then we had a lazy morning. Dan had to go to work for an hour, so the kids and I just hung out. He was done by 12:30, and we decided on the spur of the moment to take the kids to the movie. They have been wanting to see The Waterhorse since it came out at Christmas, but it never came to the theatre in Pembroke or the Base Theatre, so we took them to Renfrew which is about 45 minutes away. Of course, the movie started at 1:30, and Dan had to come home and change. It was a bit of a goat rodeo but we actually made it. We only missed the first 5 minutes of the movie. We're lucky we made it at all, as the gas light in the van came on 20 kms from Renfrew but Dan refused to stop for gas. That would have made us even later. Of course, we're lucky we made it at all, but never mind. I'm so glad we took them, they absolutely loved it. The movie was about a little boy who finds a Waterhorse egg, which ends up being the Loch Ness Monster. The one thing that drove the kids crazy about the movie was the geographical inaccuracies. In the movie the Loch is connected to the ocean, but of course, it is not in real life. They were probably the only kids there that would know the difference. This was obviously done for plot line purposes, and is probably why most of the movie is actually filmed in New Zealand. There was a lot filmed in Scotland though, and we did recognize some of it, which the kids thought was pretty cool. They also thought it was pretty cool that the Artillery was a big part of the movie. Of course, at one point in time, they were the baddies. Damn gunners, gotta watch out for them. And of course, the movie was also about a lonely little boy whose Daddy has gone to war, something Connor could definitely relate too. Another movie I'm glad we didn't see last year while Dan was gone. After seeing it today, every one of us wants to go back to Scotland! Who knows, maybe someday we can. It doesn't hurt to dream does it?
"Dreams are free, so free your dreams."~~Astrid Alauda
Friday, 1 February 2008
Another Birthday Sleepover...
Can you believe today is February the first? Honestly, I really don't know where the month of January went. Today was pinch and a punch day, and in case you're interested, I got John fair and square, it wasn't even close. By the way, I forgot to mention I got him on the BIG day, New Year's Day as well. He's 0 for 2 now. Poor bugger, doesn't bode well for him for the rest of the year does it? The kids had their PD day today. I'm actually glad, as it snowed like mad all day, so it would have been another bus cancellation day. Remember those two days they had off earlier in the week? Connor is ruing them now, you should see the stack of homework he brought home last night, plus he has a project to do. We're in for a fun weekend. Speaking of which, he has three friends over tonight for a sleepover. His birthday is next week, but Dan won't be here then, and there was no way in hell I was doing that one again by myself. I may be stunned sometimes, but I am not stupid. Actually, I was evil and left Dan alone with the kids tonight to go see a movie with the girls. PS I Love You was playing at the base theatre, and after being home with the kids 3 days this week, we all needed a night out. I must say, I really enjoyed the movie. It probably isn't the best movie I've seen lately, but it was a sad love story, partially set in Ireland (I really, really want to go back), and Gerard Butler is in it. Yummy!!! What's not to love? Of course, it was a sappy movie, so I cried all the way through. Did I mention I'm a sook when it comes to sad movies? Thank God Jen and I didn't see that one last year. It was about a woman whose husband dies, but he leaves her different letters that are delivered throughout the year after he dies. Very sad! By the time we left the theatre, my eyes were puffy and my nose was red. And we went out for coffee after, no wonder people were looking at us funny. My nose was so stuffed up from crying, I had to take a decongestant before I went to bed!! And while I was out crying at the movie, Dan held down the fort with the kids. They were excellent. Damnit, how come they weren't like that for me? Dan claims he has the magic touch. I, however, know it is because Connor invited completely different boys from last year. Like I said, I might be a sook when it comes to sappy movies and I may be stunned sometimes, but I am not stupid.
“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”~~C.S. Lewis
Thursday, 31 January 2008
I'm All Finished....
“I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong”~~Benjamin Franklin
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Two Days In A Row...
The buses were cancelled today, for the second day in a row. The kids were thrilled, me not so much. We had a freezing rain warning, and a flash freeze warning this morning. The roads were slippery when Dan went to PT but were fine when he came back. The temperature has dropped quite a bit this afternoon, but I'm not sure they were bad enough to cancel the buses for the day. And to add insult to injury, they kids have a PD day this Friday. I swear to God this school district is being run by sadists. I have no idea why, but the three of them were cranky as all get out this morning. You'd think they'd be thrilled to have a two day school week. If any one has a reason to be cranky, it's me, I'm the one who has been trapped home with them for the last two days. They were bickering so much at one point this morning, I threatened to get Daddy to come home and drive them to school, and ever since, they've been great. Funny that. Of course, Ryan came too play with Connor, and Katty went next door to play with the evil one, so that has helped considerably. And come hell or high water, bus cancellations or not, they are off to school tomorrow. Enough is enough. I have managed to get very little done for the last two days. I had big plans to get some things accomplished after I finished my sign order last weekend. Needless to say, that never happened. Hard to believe I got nothing done with three children underfoot, but tis true. The best laid plans of mice and men. I did manage to dig out the fabric for Libby's quilt. I've only had it since we lived in Ottawa two years ago. I'm determined to get it finished before the end of February. I think it is going to be very cute and very girly, shades of pink to match those pink walls of hers. I've decided to make her a simple patchwork quilt. I've finally got all of the blocks cut out, now to dust off the sewing machine. Hopefully, I can remember how to turn it on. I sure hope the instruction manual is with it, otherwise, I might be in serious trouble.
“The best plans of men and mice often go awry”~~Robert Burns
Monday, 21 January 2008
It's Cold Out There..
The kids were half frozen waiting for the bus. As was to be expected on the coldest morning of the year, their bus was late. It wouldn't start, again. Seriously, there are loads of new buses in the school district, but ours has to be older than me (not that that's old, mind you). I had to bring them in a couple of times to warm up. At one point in time I opened the door to discover they were playing a game. No Cowboys and Indians (oops, make that Native Americans) for them. No, make that Soldiers and Talibans. It seems Connor was a Canadian Soldier, and his sisters were the Taliban. Funny how he's the good guy and they're the bad guys. Apparently with their scarves pulled up and their hats on they resembled terrorists. Not such a stretch for Katty really. Oddly enough, I have little difficulty picturing her as a terrorist. I didn't have the heart to tell them that the Taliban would never let girls "join" their organization. Seriously, can you imagine me telling Katty she can't be a terrorist if she wants to be? Hell no, I'm not that stupid. Or that brave come to think of it.
"Man is a make-believe animal: he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part"~~William Hazlitt
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Running In The Snow...
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward."~~Bill Davidsen
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Fifteen Days....
Monday, 14 January 2008
Happy Birthday Katty...
“Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of 'you' to the world.”~~Unknown
Saturday, 12 January 2008
A Winter Wonderland Party....
Thursday, 10 January 2008
There's No Life Like It...
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Happy New Year...
Finally, 2007 is over. I have never been so happy to see the ass end of a year, as I am this one. It definitely was a long stressful year, and hopefully we won't have another one like it anytime soon. When I look back over the last year, it is of course, tainted by Afghanistan. How could it not be? It consumed our lives for a long time. It wasn't all bad however, there were some good times. The highlight of the year was Dan's safe return from Afghanistan (obviously) at the end of August. After 7 months of constant worry and stress, it was wonderful to have him home safe and sound. It seemed so strange to have him here, and not to have to worry anymore. Worrying definitely becomes a habit, but it was one bad habit that I was very happy to break. The second highlight of the year was our trip to the United Kingdom in the summer. I had always wanted to go to England, so it was the trip of a lifetime. Everything I'd imagined, and then some. We had such a wonderful vacation, it was definitely an amazing trip! We had a fantastic time and all want to go back, now!! 2007 also saw us reunited with our friends the Armstrong's. We hadn't seen them for 5 years, but it was like we'd never been a part. Of course, I'm still so jealous that Dan got to see Emma and Martyn again in October, but never mind, I'll get over it, eventually. In September, we finally got our hardwood floors put in. And yes, this would be a big highlight of my year. I was delighted to rip up that blasted carpet. We also had a wonderful weekend away in Vermont, without the kids. Looking back, there were definitely some good times in 2007, but I'm still glad it is over. Lets hope 2008 has many more good times, but with far less worry. I could use a longer break from the worry. Dan's not going to Afghanistan this year, so I'm thinking, it's already shaping up to be a great year.
"For last year's words belong to last year's language, And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."~~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"