Our baby is 8 today. Hard to believe, but here we are 8 years later, with our sanity still somewhat intact. Katty was only a little excited this morning, so excited she had a bit of a tummy ache. She got to open a present before she went to school this morning. Not surprisingly, she chose Ann Marie's, which actually was two gifts. There are no flies on Katty, and she knew, odds were one of them might be a new outfit that she could wear too school. Ann Marie takes great pleasure in making sure both girls have the latest in diva wear, too the point I'm running out of space to put it all. Seriously woman, I'm thinking an intervention might be needed. After Katty opened the first part of the gift, she gleefully told me she "just knew it would be a new outfit" I asked her how she knew, "I just knew because I had my suPISSicions." Sometimes that kid cracks me up. She went off to school, happy as Larry, carting 24 cupcakes to share with her friends. Rainbow bits, with rainbow bit frosting, in case you're interested. I swear, the bloody Tupperware container was bigger than she was, but somehow she managed. After school, she was positively bouncing when she got off the bus, and her first words were "Is it suppertime yet?" She was not impressed when I informed her she would have to wait as it was only 3:35 pm. That got me a sigh and an eye roll. FINALLY, Daddy made it home, and she was able to open the rest of her presents. The waiting was just horrid, too much for one little girl to bear. She was thrilled with all of her gifts. The irony of us giving her a Trouble game was lost on her, of course. She was most pleased she finally got her very own Canada doll, even though Libby got hers 5 days earlier, "Libby always gets everything for her birthday before me, its not fair." Um, yeah, that's because her birthday is 5 days before yours, you nut bar. The only gift that wasn't a surprise was her birthday collectible doll. "It's the number 8 girl, you know." I never would have guessed. How ever did she know? Another eye roll. "Duh mommy, I had my suPISSicions, Nana gets us one every year." God help us and those suPISSicions of hers, I have a feeling they might come back and bite us on the ass sometime soon, she's far to suPISSicious for her own good.
“Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of 'you' to the world.”~~Unknown
1 comment:
I've had my susPISSions that you have a gift for writing; it was just confirmed by your Dad who wants to tell you that and he wants me to tell you to use your Spell Checker; this from a man who can't spell for a hill of beans. Now where is the blog about Libby's birthday????? HMMM??????
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