Well, it looks like Dan is going on a year long French course starting this August. I say looks like because he doesn't have a posting message yet, and even if he did have a posting message, it could still change. He met with the career mangler, I mean manager this week, who told him the plan was for him to go on the French course this summer, and then to Toronto for Staff College the following summer. They are hoping to get him on the French course here, as they do not want to move us 3 years in a row (the course in Toronto is also a year long course). We don't know when we will find out where he will be taking the French course. Your guess is as good as ours. They need a minimum of 8 students to run the course here. So far, we know there are two because it looks like our good friend Derek will be taking the course with him, which Dan is thrilled about. If he doesn't get the course here, it means a move to Ottawa, which we are not keen on. We love Ottawa, we just don't want to move there. And we certainly don't want to move three years in a row. Of course, the irony is not lost on us. The last time we were posted to Pet, I couldn't wait to get out of here. Now, I just want to stay. If Dan does go to Toronto, he will go by himself, and the kids and I will stay here, or Ottawa, wherever the case may be. We aren't allowed to buy a house in Toronto, not that we could afford one anyway. Hell, we could barely afford to buy a house here in Pet. Apparently, the PMQs are not in a very good neighbourhood. The kind of neighbourhood where you can't go outside after dark and kids Connor's age are being stabbed in school. Not where we want to live. Of course, there is also a possibility Dan will be sent to a Foreign Staff college. A remote possibility, but a possibility none the less. The choices for this are Britain, Australia, Kansas, Virginia, and Quetta, Pakistan. We're not so keen on Pakistan. There are a lot of Taliban in Quetta. I'm thinking Dan's seen enough Taliban in the last year, and I've seen them enough on TV, I don't feel the need to see them up close in person. If he is offered Pakistan, he will obviously turn it down. Odds are we won't get the foreign posting, but one can always dream (not about Pakistan though, that would be more like a nightmare, but never mind). At any rate, we won't find out until the fall sometime. For now, we are just waiting to see where we will be living this summer. We don't expect the answer to this anytime soon. This is the military we are dealing with, after all. Hurry up and wait. There is really no life like it. Not that that is always a bad thing. Much as it may drive me crazy sometimes, I really can't imagine living any other way.
"There's no life like it & I won't regret the day, when I chose to live the Forces way. There's no life like it, There's no life like it, Yes there's no life like it!"~~Canadian Forces recruiting slogan
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