Friday 31 August 2007

Home At Last...

After seven long months, Dan finally arrived home this morning at 3:35 am. The kids actually went to sleep fairly easily, maybe because they knew that when they woke up Daddy would be home. We left at 2:30 am and (of course) headed to Timmie's for coffee and hot chocolate. Holy freaking slow.. we were the only customers and it took her 10 minutes. Did she not know we were in a hurry? Hello, my husband is coming home from Afghanistan in 30 minutes, not the time for you to be chatting Missy! While we were in the drive through, two buses drove by and Jennifer was freaking behind me, thinking it was them. Luckily, it was not, they were Greyhound buses. When we got to the base, there were already tons of people there waiting, all just as anxious as we were. The kids were pretty sleepy at first, but that didn't last long. I thought there'd be some whining about waiting, but they didn't complain once. They actually amused themselves with a few games of tag. Dan's new CO was there, waiting to greet the guys. He's actually an old friend of ours, so we had a nice chat while we were waiting for the bus to arrive. I almost heard a story about something that happened to Dan while the new brigade commander was over visiting last spring, but he stopped himself before he spilled the beans. That's probably a good thing, I'd much rather hear about these things from Dan.

After waiting for about 45 minutes, the bus finally arrived. You could feel the excitement in the room as it pulled in. The kids and I were bouncing, we were so excited!! We didn't have to wait very long, Dan was the first guy off the bus. As soon as he grabbed his bags, all three kids threw themselves at him. I haven't seen them this happy in about 7 months. That's when it finally hit me, it really was over, and he really was home safe and sound. It was the best feeling ever, and totally indescribable. Overwhelming relief is as close as I can get. I know we are very lucky to have Dan home safe and sound with us. And I will be thankful for that for the rest of my life. For the first time in months, I'm actually looking forward to the weekend (and Dan fetching me a coffee tomorrow). Thank God it's Friday, and thank God it's over.

"Happiness pulses with every beat of my heart."~~Emily Logan Decens

Wednesday 22 August 2007

An Interesting Day...

The kids had their last session of the Deployment Support Program this morning. There was a bit of grumbling from Connor, but he went anyway. I had to scramble a bit as it started while I was at my hair appointment. Thankfully, Arlene was free, so she dropped them off and picked them up. The kids all ended up having a great time, yes, even Connor. There were a few kids there whose Dad's were already home, and the kids were envious of that, but there were a lot more whose Dad's hadn't come yet. The highlight of the day was eating ration packs. All the kids got to try the ration packs like their Dad's have been eating in Afghanistan. Poor Daddy, some were disgusting, though Connor did like the "steaky one". They also watched a puppet show about how Daddy will feel when he gets home. Of course, I then got the lecture from Katty, "Mommy, daddy is not used to being at home, and it will be hard for him at first. We can't be too noisy (ha), and well, you shouldn't expect him to do any work like mowing the lawn ( no problem our grass is dead anyway) or taking out the garbage right away." Well, I'm thinking, reintegration or not, I'm pretty sure he can manage to take out a bag of garbage.

So, the last few days there's been a gaggle of older teenage boys hanging out at the park across the street. A couple of times, the kids have tried to go, and they couldn't get on the structures because these kids are sitting on them, cursing and swearing. The other day, they started hanging out there in their long goth like trench coats, and yesterday, Arelene intercepted them getting ready to fight with two kids who were on their bikes in front of our house. Today, Katty and her little friend Melissa came home from the park, terrified because these guys were back, and they were at it again, cursing, and swearing. This time, they had gone over the fence, and were inside the water tower, lurking around with their toy weapons. Now, they may have been up to something very harmless, but I certainly wasn't going over as there were about 10 of them, and they were all bigger than me. So, I called the Town Hall, and they asked me to call the OPP as they did not have permission to be in the water tower. I was surprised, the OPP sent two cars right away to see what they were up too. Turns out, one of their Dad's had got a friend who works for the town to let them in, and they were apparently filming an action film, and it was purely innocent. Right. And that so wasn't pot they were smoking behind the tower. Whatever. At any rate, they left, and might think twice about hanging out there again. And maybe the little kids can start playing at the park again without being scared.

If you haven't heard the news yet, two more soldiers were killed today in Afghanistan. I'm not sure my nerves can take much more of this. Jen and I were both walking around with a sick feeling in our stomachs all evening. They are so close to being out of there, but not close enough. We are so ready for this deployment to be over. Only a couple of more days, and they head out to Cyprus for Decompression, and we open the wine to celebrate it being over. Unfortunately, there are too many families out there who won't get to celebrate their loved ones coming home. How sad is that?

"As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see."~~Julius Caesar

Saturday 18 August 2007

Speaking of Friends...

The kids all had a great time on their sleepovers last night. The boys were good as gold, asleep by midnight. Mark stayed most of the day, he didn't want to go home. Katty stayed at Melissa's until 3, and Libby was out playing with her friend most of the day. The house was lovely and quiet, too damn quiet. I was so bored. There wasn't a soul around, everyone was gone for the weekend. Except for me, Nobby No Mates. I was actually excited when the bike shop called and said Dan's bike was ready because it gave me an excuse to get out of the house. Of course, that only took 15 minutes and I was left wandering around the house again. I can't believe I am actually complaining that I was in the house with no kids, and it was quiet, but there it is. How sad is that? Of course, the quiet was short lived. Katty was only home 5 minutes and she was complaining that she was bored, and having a tantrum over it. Why oh why didn't I enjoy it while it lasted? Stupid dumb quiet wasn't so stupid after all, was it? Just when I thought it was going to be, as Katty would say the "longest, most boreinest day of the summer", my buddy Melissa called, not once but twice!! I hadn't talked to her in months, and months, so we had lots of catching up to do. Melissa was in Gagetown for 3 of our 6 years there, and she is a wonderful friend. In fact, she was my rock during Dan's last deployment, watching my kids when I needed to get groceries, or pick Connor up from school, and when I needed to take a sick Libby to the hospital in the middle of the night. I've got to say, Melissa is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. How she ended up friends with me is beyond me, but never mind. It's so funny, she's just moved back to Gagetown, and is not really happy about it, ( mostly because it's so far away from her mom and dad in Kentucky) and I can't wait to go back there. I'm so jealous. Of course, part of the reason I want to go is because she is there, and Jackie will be back there next year. I miss Gagetown, I miss the Superstore, I miss Frenchies, I miss my pharmacist (don't ask), I miss the fabric store, I miss it all. Mostly I miss all of the friends and good times we had there. Here's hoping we get posted back there next summer. Of course, knowing my luck, even if we do get posted back, Melissa and Jeffie will get posted out just as we arrive. Stupid, dumb army.

"The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past."~~Robertson Davies, A Voice from the Attic

Friday 17 August 2007

Old Friends...

One of the best parts of our military lifestyle is the friends we have made. By necessity, our friends become our family. This has certainly been true for me the last year, there are times I don't know what I would have done without Jen and Arlene. They have been my rock. But it's not just my friends who are down the street who have been there for me, its all my wonderful friends all over the world that I know I can call any time I feeling blue, or just need to talk (which doesn't happen very often). Emma, Melissa, Jackie, Phil, Michelle, and so many more. I can call anyone of them on any given day, and know they understand because they've been there too. The beauty of military friends is you can go years without seeing each other, but the first time you are together, it's like you've never been apart. And if we're really lucky, we end up being posted together again. Emma and Jackie are together now in England. I'm not jealous, honest I'm not. OK, I am a little bit. I was so hoping this year Melissa and Phil would be here with me in Pet, but unfortunately that didn't happen. One went to Shilo, the other Gagetown. That is so not fair! However, we did get a pleasant surprise. Our old neighbours from Gagetown, Tim and Monia, were posted here this summer. They also have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. Each of their children are just slightly older than each of ours. And it was the kids who found each other. The Bobbitt 3 were playing at the park one day when the Halfkenny kids came to play as well. Mark and Connor took one look at each other, and knew they knew each other from somewhere. In 5 minutes they figured it out. Gagetown. The Halfkenny's bought a house a few streets over from ours, so they are within walking distance. What great kids they are. When they were in Gagetown, they were a bit wild (like ours weren't), but they have really calmed down. And they all get along like a house on fire. I've got to say, they've been a God send to me this week. Melissa has kept Katty very happy. Finally, a friend who is around during the day for her to play with. And it turns out, her and Melissa will be in the same class next year, and they will be taking the same bus. Katty is thrilled by this, as her favourite classmate was posted to Germany this summer. Matthew, their middle child, will be in the grade 5 section of Connor's class, and Mark is a grade ahead of Connor, which is probably a good thing given how easily distracted Connor is. All this week, Monia and I have been trading off kids, and it's been fantastic. Melissa and Mark came over here to play yesterday. And this morning, all three of mine went to their house. And I got to go shopping, all by myself! Sweet!! Tonight, Katty went back to their house for a sleepover and Mark came here. It's been so peaceful and quiet. No bickering or arguing or "I'm boreds." I wonder if I can persuade them to keep Katty for the next 2 weeks?

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."~~ John Leonard

Thursday 16 August 2007

Two Hundred Days...

We reached a milestone today, Dan has been gone 200 days. 200 long and painful days. Only 14 more to go, 8 more until he is out of Afghanistan. I so can't wait. Jennifer and I are going to drink a bottle of wine (or 2) the day Dan and Derek leave KAF. The closer it gets, the harder the waiting is. The kids are constantly counting the days on their calendar, and crossing them off. They really can't wait until Daddy gets home. Poor Libby is just about driven, not only is Daddy coming home, but a few days later its the first day of school. She loves school, the first month especially. We picked up school supplies this week, and she just can't leave them alone. She keeps taking them out of the bag, and making sure they are all there. She already has the straps on her new back pack adjusted perfectly. She asked me no less than 10 times today when we are going to pack her backpack. She's like a dog with a bone. Not sure where she gets that trait from. Her father, I think. And Katty is almost as excited. In fact, she slept with her backpack in her bed the first night she got it. Now Connor, on the other hand. Well, he's not so excited for the first day of school. Shocking that. Poor bugger though, he's so torn. He can't wait for the long weekend for Daddy to come home, but he knows that's the last weekend before school starts. Oh, the angst of it all. It really is hard to be a kid sometimes isn't it?

Dan brought the girls these outfits from Afghanistan. Katty had to wear her's today. How cute are they? And don't they just know it too!

"The bird of time has not far to fly, and the bird is on the wing!"~~Anon

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Webkinz Mania...

If you haven't heard about Webkinz, you probably don't have any young children. They are all the rage these days, various stuffed animals that come with their own code so you can register them online. Of course, they are so popular they are difficult to find, especially here in Mayor Bobville, where everything is difficult to find. The kids all have a great time playing on the Webkinz website, and the stuffies really are cute. The only problem is, the Bobbitt 3 are addicted to them. The more they get, the more they want. Luckily for them, they have a Sugar Auntie who feeds their addiction. It has gotten so bad, they expect their weekly fix. They even know what time the UPS man arrives in the morning, and what time the FEDEX man comes in the afternoon. On Monday I was expecting a shipment of stencils, which they were convinced would also have Webkinz in it. When the UPS man did not come Monday, they were not impressed. Luckily for me (and him) he did arrive Tuesday morning with my parcel, and low and behold Ann Marie had sent them each a new Webkinz for their collection. This was their end of vacation Webkinz, to match their Webkinz they had to have as a travel surprise, to go with the Webkinz that was to cheer them up when we came back from England. You get the idea. Ann Marie really is a star, she has taken great care of us all this last 7 months. She has sent us all care packages throughout the deployment, including Dan. He loves her packages, they are always full of great goodies. I can tell you without a doubt, he gets better packages from her than he does from me. Anyway, I really had no idea how many of these things she had sent the kids, I just kind of hand them out when the kids are feeling down and missing Daddy. Obviously, I should have paid more attention. In my defense, its hard to keep track of all of their various toys. And I have told her before that she doesn't need to keep sending the kids things, but her response is "Their father has gone to war, they need cheering up." I do find it hard to argue with that one. Hell, I need cheering up! But they really don't need anymore Webkinz. They have more Webkinz than Carter has little liver pills. It's crazy. They actually piled them all together, and I could hardly see the kids for all of the stuffies! Holy spoiled rotten. I don't think there is a Webkinz that has been made that the kids don't have! I've had to put my foot down, and tell the Bobbitt 3 and Ann Marie, no more Webkinz. Enough Webkinz already. I was pleasantly surprised when Ann Marie (seemingly) agreed to this (she can be a bit stubborn). I really should have known better. Seems she has discovered there are Webkinz Charms! Oh my. I wonder what the UPS man will be bringing the Bobbitt 3 next week.

"Never fear spoiling children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow."~~Thomas Bray

Happy Anniversary...

Today is our 14th anniversary, our Star anniversary as Nana, and our girls say, 14 years on the 14th. I can't believe it's been 14 years already. Fourteen years gone in the blink of an eye. Time flies when you're having fun (and it has been fun, right Dan?) Even more unbelievable is the fact that we have been together for exactly half of our lives. We were 18 when we started dating, how scary is that? Of the 14 years we've been married, Dan has been deployed for 18 months ( 3 tours in total). I certainly can't complain about that ( but I do occasionally) as that is equivalent to one tour for our American friends these days. He's also been gone on exercise or course for many more months, but I won't add them up, it's too depressing. The old adage, absence makes the heart grow fonder, is definitely true in our case. I've got to say I am married to a most wonderful man, he always makes me laugh, and he really does have the patience of a saint (my dad would say he has too, to be married to me). Everyday I know how very lucky I am to be married to such a great guy. And I am very proud to be his wife. Did I mention the beautiful diamond earrings he gave me while we were in England? I told you he was an amazing guy. He even called me today from somewhere in the middle of the Afghan desert. I was at Home Depot when he called. It is very sad that I have spent more time this year with the boys in the lumber yard than I have with my husband, but never mind. Next year, we might actually be together for our 15h anniversary, and we can have a big celebration. Unless, of course, he has to go back to Afghanistan next August, but we won't talk about that until after he gets home from this tour. In two weeks, we'll be able to celebrate Dan's homecoming. Have I mentioned I can't wait? Because I really can't. The closer it gets, the more anxious I get. Maybe if somebody would just stay in KAF, I would be a little less anxious, but no he can't do that, he'd be bored. Heaven forbid. Like I haven't been bored for the last 7 months. Get over it mister. Here's hoping the next 9 days are very boring. Happy Anniversary. I love you!

This is one of my favourite weddings pictures. The guys hated every minute of it. I can still hear them grumbling! Of course, I loved it because I actually got to be the Princess my brothers always knew I was!

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."~~Author Unknown

Tuesday 14 August 2007

That Book...

Today we made a trip to the Petawawa Public Library. Connor had asked to go on the weekend, but we never had a chance. If Connor wants to go to the library, it means he has a specific topic in mind, or a particular book he would like to read again. In this case, it was a specific book. The only problem was, he couldn't remember the book title or even what it was about. How he knew he wanted to read this nameless book again is beyond me. All he knew was that he wanted that book. You know, that book. No, I didn't know that book, but anyway, off we went to the library, searching for a nameless book on an unknown topic. Once we got to the library, he remembered what physical area of the library the book came from (how he can remember that but not the subject is beyond me, but never mind). Turns out, the book was one Daddy had found for him, in the nonfiction section of the library. Surprisingly, it's not that easy to find a nameless, subject less book in the nonfiction section. Shocking, I know. Was it about quilting? That got me a very strange look. How about cooking? Not so much. Taxes? Pleeasse. Connor obviously did not share my amusement of the situation. As we looked at the various subjects in the nonfiction section, Connor remembered it was soft covered. Lots of those in the nonfiction section. And it was green. Turns out there are lots of green soft covered books, particularly in the gardening section. I got another dirty look for that one. By this point in time, I was starting to lose my sense of humour. He was adamant he had to have that book, even though he didn't even know what the bloody book was about. It was time to get serious, so I went through the list of Connor's favourite topics. Prehistoric mammals. No. Dinosaurs. No. The Loch Ness Monster. No. Big foot. Bingo. The light went on. It was about monsters like Big Foot, and it happened in North America. Off we went to the computer, and low and behold, there it was, Monsters of North America. Imagine. We actually managed to find out the topic, and the name. Not only did we find it, but it was in. Just as I wrote down the call number, Connor remembered exactly what wall Daddy had found it on (bizarre). Sure enough, there it was. The nameless, subject less book, had unbelievably been found. The day was saved. Although, I've got to say, I kind of wish we hadn't found it. He's been talking about it incessantly, all afternoon. Did you know there's been monster sightings in Nova Scotia? Yes, actually, I had. In fact, I believe three monsters were spotted in Coldbrook last week. If only they'd hadn't followed me home to Petawawa.

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity."~~Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday 12 August 2007

When Are The Cousins Here....

As soon as their feet hit the floor, it started. "Are the cousins coming, are the cousins coming?" Unfortunately, it was overcast this morning, so we weren't sure if a trip to the beach would work out. Fortunately, Mike and Annette decided to come anyway. Of course, that meant I had to listen to, "When are the cousins going to be here?" for the next 2 hours. Luckily for all of us, it was actually quite muggy, and the rain held off, in spite of Mike's predictions it would start any minute. We decided to head to the beach after all, and the kids had a great time. It was still quite cloudy, so the water wasn't quite as warm as yesterday, but the kids didn't seem to mind. Of course, they managed to drop a few chips here and there, which the seagulls loved. Annette, not so much. In fact, I think Mike's sandal may have been thrown at them a couple of times. I think. They really are filthy, disgusting animals, and I'm still amazed no one got shat on, but never mind. The kids did have great fun chasing them down the beach, though.

It was quite amusing listening to the kids chatting with each other. The best was listening to Libby and Sarah. Poor things, they really do have a hard go of it. Sarah was lamenting on how her parents never let her eat what she wants, she hardly ever has pop, or chips. I found this particularly amusing as she was drinking pop and eating chips as she was saying this. It was Libby's response that really cracked me up though. She sighed a little bit, and then said very seriously, "Well Sarah, when you are a grown up, you will be able to eat as much of it as you want, whenever you want." Oh, the injustice of it all. Speaking of injustice, there was also much lamenting on the fact that they don't live closer together. It would be so much better if they lived beside each other. I don't think they realize the novelty of that might wear off rather quickly. It's just not fair. Funny how life is like that. There was much angst when it was time for them to go home. Of course, their van wasn't even out of sight when it started. "When are we going to see the cousins again?" Doh!

"Are we not like two volumes of one book?~~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

Beach Days...

It was a beautiful sunny day today, so you know where we had to go. Those poor kids, it had been a whole week since they'd been swimming. I don't know how they made it through the week!! It was pretty cloudy when we woke up, and I was worried we'd have to cancel. God help me, I'd have had a mutiny on my hands! Eventually the sun came out, and we packed a picnic and went off to meet Jen and the boys at Black Bear Beach. We went early enough, so the beach wasn't crowded at all. It was quite nice actually, the water was super warm, and the sand was not too hot to walk on (it was, however, bloody hot by the time we left to come home). The kids had a great time, and everyone was happy (for a change). Happy that is, until Katherine decided she needed the turtle floaty from Connor, and she wasn't going to stop until she got it. She is so feisty, and determined. So much like her father!! I've got to say, the highlight of our trip to the beach was talking to Dan. He called just after Derek called Jen, too funny. The kids are getting so impatient for him to come home (um, me too), and I think it will be a challenge to keep them busy everyday until he does get here.

After we were done at the beach, it was home to housework. It just does not get anymore exciting than that. On the upside, Mike and Annette may bring the kids up to go to the beach tomorrow, so the kids were almost eager to clean their rooms! Except for Connor, of course, he is never eager to do anything that might be construed as work.

"You can never appreciate the shade of a tree unless you sweat in the sun"~~ Author Unknown

Thursday 9 August 2007

Farewell To Nova Scotia..

We're home, again!! Time flies when you are having fun. Too bad it doesn't go that fast when we are at home in Petawawa by ourselves! We left Grandma and Grumpy's early this morning to catch our flight back to Ottawa. Nana and Poppa drove us to the Airport, which was nice as the kids got to say goodbye to both sets of grandparents. It was bittersweet leaving this morning. The kids love being in Nova Scotia, but they were ready to come home. After all, the sooner we get home, the sooner Daddy gets home. We had an awesome time in Nova Scotia, but it's never the same without Dan there. Especially at the lake, we miss him so much more there. It just doesn't seem right without him.

We had an uneventful flight home. Finally, after all of their flights this summer, we got a plane with TVs. They were positively bouncing with excitement. The excitement quickly faded when we realized that Connor and Katty's were broken. Duh!! I switched places with Katty so she could watch, and wouldn't you know, that one died partway through the flight. Double duh. She was not amused. Stupid dumb TV.

After landing in Ottawa, and a super long wait for our luggage, we headed off to Mike and Annette's for the afternoon. The kids had a great time. It was just what they needed. It sure made coming home a lot easier. Of course, we weren't in the van 5 minutes and they started asking when they could see the cousins again. I'm surprised I haven't heard I'm bored yet. It must be because they are so tired. I figure boredom will start tomorrow as soon as their feet hit the floor!!

"So farewell, farewell to Nova Scotia's charms, for it's early in the morning I am far, far away."~~Traditional