Sunday 12 August 2007

Beach Days...

It was a beautiful sunny day today, so you know where we had to go. Those poor kids, it had been a whole week since they'd been swimming. I don't know how they made it through the week!! It was pretty cloudy when we woke up, and I was worried we'd have to cancel. God help me, I'd have had a mutiny on my hands! Eventually the sun came out, and we packed a picnic and went off to meet Jen and the boys at Black Bear Beach. We went early enough, so the beach wasn't crowded at all. It was quite nice actually, the water was super warm, and the sand was not too hot to walk on (it was, however, bloody hot by the time we left to come home). The kids had a great time, and everyone was happy (for a change). Happy that is, until Katherine decided she needed the turtle floaty from Connor, and she wasn't going to stop until she got it. She is so feisty, and determined. So much like her father!! I've got to say, the highlight of our trip to the beach was talking to Dan. He called just after Derek called Jen, too funny. The kids are getting so impatient for him to come home (um, me too), and I think it will be a challenge to keep them busy everyday until he does get here.

After we were done at the beach, it was home to housework. It just does not get anymore exciting than that. On the upside, Mike and Annette may bring the kids up to go to the beach tomorrow, so the kids were almost eager to clean their rooms! Except for Connor, of course, he is never eager to do anything that might be construed as work.

"You can never appreciate the shade of a tree unless you sweat in the sun"~~ Author Unknown

1 comment:

The Pederson girls said...

Hey Mon! Feisty and determined like her father...ummmm...I'm thinking you may have meant Mother!! LOL She's your mini me my dear friend!! LOL Can't wait to read the post "Dan's Home!!" Take care!!! Melissa