Monday 30 April 2007

Three Months Done!

We've finally completed 3 months. I've got to say, it really has gone by fast. Now, if only the next 4 would go as fast. I took my new Canada signs into the store in Pembroke, and they absolutely loved them (and their favourites were my favourites too). They ordered a bunch, so I guess I'll need to go visit my buddy Elton this week. Poor old bugger, I haven't been to see him in forever, he probably thinks I dumped him.

Connor is on the mend from Pine Cone's death, and actually had a great day at school today. He's decided he's going to name his next hamster Acorn, as if there will be a next hamster. The funniest part of that is, Aunt Annette always called Pine Cone, Acorn, by mistake. So, now Connor figures she'd call the new hamster Pine Cone. Oh, and finally, tonight Connor let me take him for a hair cut. Not that he wouldn't let me before, but I've just put it off. And he really does hate having his hair cut. Boy does he ever look like you now Dan, I think anyway. While Connor and I were getting his hair cut, Katherine went to Brownies with Elizabeth. They had a special meeting for all of the Sparks who are moving up to Brownies next year. Katty is quite keen to become a Brownie. Elizabeth has no such aspirations about Guides. She is just not interested. When she came out of Brownies tonight she said she was glad there are only 2 weeks left. When I asked her if she'd miss it, her reply was, "No, I've had enough of this racket." Oh my, don't know where she would have picked that up from.

My two favourite new signs!

Another article about Dan's battery. I think the Dragon Battery nickname might stick!

"Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said." ~Author Unknown

Sunday 29 April 2007

A Day of Mourning...

Understandably, it was a very sad day in the Bobbitt household. The kids spent most of the day reminiscing and reflecting on their brief time with Pine Cone. Poor Connor, he really is taking it well. Of course, every time he talked about Pine Cone he shed a few tears. He felt a lot better after he talked to Daddy. Perhaps it would be easier to take if we knew the cause of death. As no autopsy was performed, we will never know for sure what took our beloved Pine Cone from us. I tried to tell Connor this was just part of God's plan. Here's the problem though, Connor does not believe in God (there is no DNA evidence to prove he existed, after all). Or so he says. In fact, that was the big announcement yesterday afternoon. It's alright though, as Uncle Mike does not believe in God and he turned out okay. This, of course, is open for some serious debate. The man wears and apron and bonnet after all. I'm thinking, that's not alright. Perhaps Connor should discuss this with his Aunt Annette. Unfortunately, the conversation did not get any better then that. Elizabeth was quite indignant at this announcement, "I suppose you don't believe in Adam and Eve either?" "Duh Libby, the first people on the earth were Australopithecus (yes, I had to look up the spelling on that one)" "Whatever Connor, dinosaurs were just germs. And anyway, I really want to go to Catholic School." "Libby, we are not going to Catholic school. And if you believe in God, you must believe in the devil. I don't. He's just stupid anyway, who would want to hang out under ground where it's all flames. It makes no sense. And I'm tired of all this holy talk,." Katherine's contribution to the discussion, "I'm hungry." Speaking of Katherine, she lost her other front tooth last night, with a little tug from Arlene. And of course it bled like a stuffed pig. So, in the space of an hour, we discovered the hamster died, buried it, Stu and Arlene stopped by for a visit, Katherine lost a tooth and bled everywhere, and Elizabeth sobbed her eyes out. Just a regular old Saturday night at the Bobbitt's.

"Sorrow you can hold, however desolating, if nobody speaks to you. If they speak, you break down."~~Bede Jarrett

Saturday 28 April 2007

Rest In Peace Pine Cone Bobbitt

Pine Cone Bobbitt passed away today at the age of 4 months and a bit of unknown causes, without having suffered, much anyway. Pine Cone was a loving companion to Connor Bobbitt, and sometime companion to Elizabeth and Katherine Bobbitt. Pine Cone led a good life. He ate well, and slept well. His diet of nuts was often supplemented by slices of apple, lettuce and celery, and his favourite dessert was yogurt drops, as cake was just too sweet. His favourite activities were spinning on his wheel and chewing on his bars. His most memorable vacation was spent under Connor's bookshelf. Although, it was a brief vacation, he so enjoyed the view from the floor, and it became one of his most cherished memories. He also enjoyed the occasional spin in the safety of his travelling ball, which allowed him to check out the various nooks and cranny's of the family room. He particularly enjoyed it under the computer desk, where he had the occasional nap, lulled to sleep by the soothing whir of the computer. Of course, these adventures were all to short, but he was always happy to return to Connor's desk, and his cozy nest of pine chips and night night fluff. Although Pine Cone's life was tragically cut short at an all to young age, his memory will live on in the Bobbitt household forever. In the immortal words of Gerry Boyle, he was some hamster. In keeping with Pine Cone's religious beliefs, he was buried at sundown under the pine tree in the back yard. His coffin was befitting of his simple life style, a Kleenex box lined with night night fluff. The ceremony was presided over by Connor Bobbitt, who also acted as the grave digger. Many tears were shed as Connor spoke a few words, and bid farewell to his old friend. The Bobbitt girls performed the musical tribute, singing the song, "My Old Friend". The grave was covered by a blanket of pine needles, and a bouquet of pine cones. His headstone is a rock that will be engraved at a later date. Reception followed in the Bobbitt family room, Pepsi and chips were served as refreshments. In lieu of flowers, Connor has asked you send Tim Horton's gift certificates, care of Mrs Monica Bobbitt. Sleep well old friend, you will be forever in our hearts.

"My old friend, this song's for you, cause a few simple verses was the least that I could do to tell the world that you were here. Cause the love and the laughter will live on long after all of the sadness and the tears. We'll meet again, my old friend. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. My old friend, my old friend. Goodbye, goodbye."~~Tim McGraw

Friday 27 April 2007

And I Will Call Her...

So, I'm thinking it's probably not a good thing when your 7 year old daughter says I curse you. Especially when said 7 year old daughter is Katherine. You never know whats going to happen. I was afraid I would turn into a toad or a pumpkin, or my head would start spinning, at the very least, but so far, I'm okay. Seriously, that kid has enough personality for 20. Grampa Ben would have said she's feisty, I say she's evil. I'd like to blame her temperament on you Dan, but we both know I'd never get away with that one. She is too much like me for her own good. And since we've both got our hair cut, everyone says the resemblance is more striking. As much as it pains me to admit it, she really is my Mini Me. I know you're laughing right now Mom and Dad. Don't even bother to pretend you're not. You always said you wanted me to have one just like me only 10 times worse. I really don't think that's very nice. I have lost track of the things I have done to annoy her today (or any day for that matter). She kept me up half the night coughing, and than complained because I was snoring when she came into my bed. She was then mad at me this morning because it was raining and she had to wear her rubber boots. Apparently, I am the worstest mother ever. After school, she was annoyed with me because her tooth is almost out, and it is hurting her. Somehow, this is all my fault. I offered to take it out for her, but that was not an option. Stupid dumb tooth. If she keeps it up, she'll be Express Posted to Gramma and Grumpy faster then she can say I hate you. Good thing I have my Venture 1 business card, I'll get a 5% discount.

So, as a general rule, I'm not fond of having my picture taken. I've had several complaints about the lack of photos of me on the blog. For the most part, I've tried to ignore them. But I'm afraid there is a mutiny a foot, and so I thought I'd sooth the savage beasts before they attack. Katty's enough for me to handle these days.

"When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, an hundred."~~Thomas Jefferson

Thursday 26 April 2007

Am I Bitter?

Hell yes I'm bitter. For the last three days, all I've seen in the news is coverage of the Afghan prisoner scandal. Taliban prisoners I might add. Terrorists. Guys who plant IED's in roads, and drive vehicles loaded with explosives at Canadian convoys. Convoy's like the one my husband travels in. No mention of all of the good things Canadian soldiers are accomplishing. No, instead hours must be devoted to this scandal. And the rights of terrorists. Hello, they're TERRORISTS. Bad guys, guys who kill and mame innocent people on a daily basis. I could see it maybe if the prisoners were being abused by Canadian soldiers, but this is not the case. They're in Afghan hands. Canadian soldiers have not been accused of wrong doing. In fact, the prisoners themselves say the Canadians treat them well. I've got to say, I agree with the Prime Minister when he said it appears Stephan Dion and Jack Layton care more about the Taliban than they do about Canadian soldiers. Every time one of those two opens their mouth I'm insulted. The best is when they presume to talk for me, the spouse of a Canadian soldier. As if. Those two self serving wankers haven't got a clue. Seriously, how big of an impact does the mission in Afghanistan have on their own personal lives? Is their spouse or child serving there? I didn't think so. Don't even get me started. Well, you didn't and I'm already started. Of course, what should we expect? Jack Layton wants us to bring the soldiers home immediately. Yeah, that's a good idea. But then again, this is Taliban Jack, the man who believes we should negotiate with the Taliban. Right. Like that will guarantee we won't be attacked by terrorists. How can one man be so stupid? Oh, and than there's the Liberals, who sent the soldiers into Kandahar in the first place. And now act like this mission is all the Conservative's doing. How soon they forget.

"Canadians should be under no illusion; Kandahar is a very complex, challenging and dangerous environment and mission. The part of Afghanistan we are going to is among the most unstable and dangerous in the country. Indeed, that is why we have been asked to go there and why we are going there. Our troops are exceptionally well-trained, equipped and led ... they know, from their experience, that this will be dangerous work with a high risk of injury and the potential for casualties that comes with the job. Canadians, too, must recognize this aspect of their mission and be ready to support them in every way, if that occurs." ~~Bill Graham, Liberal Defence Minister

Wednesday 25 April 2007

A Big Day..

It was a big day in the old Bobbitt household. It was furnace cleaning day. Yep, that's right, I had the furnace cleaned for the warranty. The technician was a very chatty fellow, who had more to say about laundry (I was folding clothes) than the furnace. Seems he has a technique. Bypass the dresser, and keep the laundry in baskets. Saves having to put it away in drawers. I have a similar technique. Not intentionally of course. My problem just seems to be I can never quite get the laundry to the drawers before it gets worn again. And than the baskets of dirty clothes get mixed up with the pawed through baskets of clean clothes. You can see my conundrum. Now this conversation would have been the highlight of my day, had my wonderful friend Emma not called me from the UK. Wonderful Emma who sent me a lovely care package the other day. And who actually motivated me to get some projects done. Have you ever found you spend more time thinking about the things you need to do, than actually doing them? I have been doing that for weeks. It's driving me crazy. My concentration has been terrible lately. I'm blaming it totally on the stress in my life. It certainly could not be due to my inefficiency. Never. Anyway, today I decided enough was enough and got down to painting signs. Trouble is, somehow I ended up not finishing them. Actually, I didn't finish them because I got hung up on the phone trying to help other people sort out their problems, but never mind. I will finish them tomorrow. Promise.

Of course, tonight was the big American Idol Gives Back concert. Very exciting as Kelly Clarkson was on it. I promised the girls they could stay up to watch her. They loved the entire show. Well, with the exception of Il Divo. I am obviously getting older, because I was quite looking forward to seeing Il Divo. That would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact they are 4 extremely good looking, talented young men. Nothing. Libby was not nearly as enamoured with them as I am. "Mommy, they are so not cute. That one has bushy eyebrows. And besides, are they some kind of fancy pants singers?" Wow, do I feel old.

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.”~~Wayne Dyer

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Don't Ring My Bell..

Aadmittedly I'm a little flinchy these days, but the doorbell is driving me crazy. My neighbour across the street picked up a copy of the paper with Dan's picture in it, and decided to drop it off before he went to work. A very sweet gesture that earned him a beating with said newspaper. Do not come to my door at that time of day with your uniform on. And never, ever ring my bell! The window in our front door is frosted so I couldn't tell it was him. Poor Kyle, he felt so bad. He did assure me that if anyone came to my door bearing bad news, there would be a pack of them, at least 3, and in their dress uniforms. At which point, I would not answer the door at all, I'm inclined to think. Seriously, you'd think after 12 weeks I'd be over it, but I'm so not. In fact, since Easter Sunday, it's been much worse. I've come to accept that ugly knot in the pit of my stomach will not completely go away until after Dan gets home. It does ease up when he is in KAF. He tells me not to worry all of the time, but whatever. Your wasting your breath baby. Not going to happen. We've watched the video over and over again. Blasted thing only makes us miss you more. The girls and I watched American Idol Gives Back tonight, and Katty told me, "I'm glad Daddy is in Afghanistan helping the kids and I'm glad we got to see a picture of Daddy, but I wish we could have real daddy instead of pictures of daddy." I wish we could have real Daddy too! But wishes won't wash dishes. I know this because I have a sink full to go wash now.

"Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age."~~John Dryden

Monday 23 April 2007

Little Things...

Our friend Wade is home on leave, and I am totally green with jealousy. Actually, much as I would love Dan to be home right now, I am glad our leave is later because it means less time apart on the other end of this deployment. But still, no fair, humph! Wade stopped by this morning with gifts that Dan sent home for the kids. No giant ass spiders this time, just cad pat name tags with the kids names on them. They were just as excited by these as they were all of the other gifts he sent them. I think its more the fact that it comes from Daddy, and they know he's thinking of them. They had a really good week last week, partially because of the weather I'm sure, but mostly because they got to talk to their Dad three times in one week, which is a record for us. I can't believe we are already done 12 weeks, almost at the three month mark. I'm so proud of the kids, they've really handled all of this so well.

It really doesn't take much to get me excited these days, okay at any time. But today, I was thrilled to see Dan's picture in the Ottawa Sun! I immediately bought several copies! And then got lucky and found the picture online as well. And while I was looking for it online, I discovered a video with Dan in it! Double squee!! I knew the kids were going to be just as thrilled as I was when they saw it. They were over the moon excited when I showed them the video. And Libby pointed out Daddy was chewing the gum we sent him. Though Connor thought it might be chewing tobacco (better not be or Daddy is in trouble). How he even knows what that is, is beyond me, but never mind. We've watched the video several times, and the picture is the new wallpaper on our desktop. They thought it was awesome to see where Daddy was yesterday. It certainly made their day, and mine. And as if that weren't exciting enough, a special Roll Up the Rim campaign started today in KAF. The cups are even desert cad pat!! How cool is that?? What a great thing to do for the soldiers! The kids were so disappointed Daddy didn't get to have Roll Up the Rim this year, and now he does! Of course, the girls are hoping Daddy wins a digital camera. And Connor wants him to win the hat, so he can have it, of course. Not me, I'm all for the $1000. Bling anyone??

Dan's the one on the right, chewing the gum.

Dan is the one on the right in this photo as well.

"Why not learn to enjoy the little things - there are so many of them."~~Author Unknown

Sunday 22 April 2007

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times...

It was another fantastic day here today, 26 wonderful degrees. You'd never know it was still April, it feels more like June! It's supposed to go back to normal temperatures this week though. Bugger. It's been so nice, and the kids have had a blast. We decided to finish off the weekend with a BBQ with the gang. As a general rule, I'm not fond of the weekends, Sundays especially. They can be so lonely. But today wasn't so bad after all. It's so nice to have friends to hang out with and pass the time. Just Stu and his three wives. Although, I thought they had some kind of rule about all of the wives being together at once. He really is a good sport, for putting up with all of us. And he cooks a mean burger. Yummy burgers, and Jen made awesome potato salad, and Arlene brought ice cream sandwiches. Ummm, ice cream sandwiches. Low fat, of course. We just chilled and hung out on the deck while the kids ran around and played. Of course, they were outside bright and early again. The doorbell didn't ring until 9:10 this morning. Lucky us. Connor's sleepover went well. His friend is very quiet, thankfully. They were out playing shortly after eight, and Connor didn't come in tonight until eight. He was pretty tired by bedtime. And dirty, holy heck, they were filthy. It took forever to clean the tub out after them. Of course, Katherine was adamant she was not having a tub. Having a tub is boring, she might as well pull her own hair out, that would be much more funner. Whatever turns your crank, I suppose. But you're still having a bath.

"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it."~~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday 21 April 2007

Can I Have I Popsicle?

The sun was out again today, and it brought all of the kids out with it. The doorbell started ringing before 9 this morning. You know how the doorbell ringing stresses me, especially at that time of day. And the bloody thing didn't stop ringing. Is Connor home? Can Libby come out? Where's Katty? In, out, in, out. Can I have I drink? Can I have a Popsicle? I'm hot. I'm thirsty. I'm bored. Can I go for a bike ride? Can we get the sprinkler out? Can I go to the park? Is it warm enough to go swimming yet?? You get the idea. Urgh, and somehow Connor conned me into letting him have a sleepover. By the end of the day I was asking if I could have a drink. So I did. Ingrid (her husband is the BSM of the battery) wandered down the street, and we had a drink and a nice chat. I was half, no, completely driven out of my mind, and it's not even summer yet. It's still April for crying out loud. Actually, it wasn't that bad. I'm so glad the kids all have kids their own age to play with, especially with summer holidays coming up soon. Then I get to be their full time caterer and social director. Yippee. I can't wait!

"What is a home without children? Quiet."~ ~Henny Youngman

Friday 20 April 2007

Sweet Sunshine...

It has begun, the summertime crazy season, where the kids are in and out like yo-yos, and change their cloths a thousand times. It was 23 degrees in Petawawa today. Simply lovely. It sure made me feel better. As soon as the kids got home, they had to change into shorts and tank tops. Which meant I had to drag the Rubbermaid's full of summer cloths out of the storage room (don't worry Dan, I put everything back where I found it, honest). Urgh, I absolutely hate the sorting of the cloths at the end of the season. On the up side, the nice weather meant the kids played outside until bedtime, and I was hard pressed to get them in for supper. They were so tired they fell into bed, and were asleep within seconds. Of course, the last words out of Elizabeth's mouth were, "Do you think it will be warm enough to go swimming tomorrow." Yeah, no!

“The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child”~~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday 19 April 2007

A Day Pass...

You won't believe what I did today. I went to Ottawa! Yep, that's right, I got me a day pass and Arlene sprung me, and off we went! Yes we did. We got on the highway, and we drove like the hounds of hell were on our ass. Actually, I think it was Stu chasing after us, yelling, "Come back, don't leave me with all of these children." Poor Stu, he really is a good man. Not only did he watch our kids until the bus came, the crazy man even volunteered to pick them all up at the bus stop after school, so Arlene and I could shop longer. He really is a glutton for punishment, bless him. We went to not one, but two, count them two, real malls. I kid you not. With real stores!! And there was a selection of things to choose from. Imagine it!! I even bought new shoes. Trendy even. Let me tell you, there is no where here to buy trendy shoes, so this was a big deal. Actually, come to think of it, I've never owned a pair of trendy shoes before. Except for my wooden clogs when I was a kid. Remember when those were trendy?? Sadly, however, I think the biggest excitement of the day was our trip to the Superstore on the way home. Whoever would think a trip to the grocery store would make one giddy, but it is so true. You know you're a housewife when you are zipping up and down the aisles because you are so overwhelmed with all of the selection. That's right, the word of the day is, selection. And we got to buy real produce, not the kind that looks like its been engineered in a lab somewhere. How sweet is that? I must say, the shopping is definitely one of the things I miss most about Ottawa.

The only damper on our trip came when I had a run in with an employee at the jewellery store. No worries, I wasn't buying (Dan will be doing that, won't you honey??) I was having my ring cleaned. When the girl cleaning my ring realized I was from Petawawa, she started. I have a yellow ribbon pin on my jacket, which highly offended her. She couldn't believe I supported, "That war." And when I said actually my husband was gone fighting that war, she was all over me. "You make your husband go to the war for the money." Um, no, actually, I don't make my husband go to the war, he's a soldier, and he goes where they tell him to go. "Well, the soldiers they only go for the danger pay." Um, no, that's not true, they go because that's their job, they go where they are told to go, and actually, they believe in the mission. Oh, and it's a volunteer army, no one actually makes them become soldiers. "How can you possibly believe in that war?" Um, because its a UN sanctioned, NATO lead mission, and the government of Afghanistan asked us to be there, and because we are helping the citizens of Afghanistan, as well as ridding the world of terrorists. "Well, aren't you worried he's gonna be changed when he comes home?" Um, duh, of course I'm concerned about the impact it will have, on not only him, but all of us. By this point in time, I'm trying to grab my damn ring out of her hand, so I can put it back on and then wallop her with it. I managed to restrain myself, dammit. I so wanted to punch her. Really, I did. I managed to get the last word (shocking I know) in though. I believe in the mission in Afghanistan, I support my husband and I am very proud he is a soldier. I think that as an immigrant to Canada, you might want to be a little thankful to the soldiers who defend it, and your right to open your mouth. Not sure she heard the "bitch" bit I muttered at the end. Too bad, that. As Katty would say, she was a stupid dumb woman. Urgh, I was so mad. Yes, I probably should have walked a way, but there is way too much of my mother in me (scary thought) to let it go. Afterwards, I thought of so many things I should have said. Because it was the first time I'd ever experienced first hand any hostility towards the military, I was caught off guard. That's one thing about living in Petawawa, whether or not people question the mission, which I highly doubt would be the case here, everyone supports the soldiers and their families. It is a very protective, comforting atmosphere. And I am very thankful for that. I might not be in such a hurry to get that next day pass, after all. Unless there is shopping afoot. Then I might have to reconsider.

"Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole."~~Author unknown

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Waiting For Something To Happen...

Hold on to your hats, the sun was out in Petawawa today. It was positively balmy, around 15 Celsius, and its supposed to be in the 20s on the weekend. Sweet. The kids didn't even come in the house after they got off of the bus, they just dropped their bags, and ran. And what a gaggle of kids in the neighbourhood today. Seriously, I had absolutely no idea that many kids lived on our street. The sun must have drawn them out of the woodwork. And for some unknown reason, the Bobbitt backyard was party central. It was the same way in Gagetown, all of the neighbourhood kids loved hanging out at our place. I suppose one advantage to this is I know where our kids are at. Of course, the sunny afternoon bliss was short lived, as Katherine's little friends were not around for long. So then she was bored. There's nothing to do in Petawawa. No kidding. I looked out the window, and she had set up her chair in the middle of the lawn. Apparently, she was "waiting for something exciting to happen." Poor little thing, I'm afraid she is going to be waiting a very long time. This is Petawawa after all.

Another good article about the guns.

"Since boredom advances and boredom is the root of all evil, no wonder, then, that the world goes backwards, that evil spreads. This can be traced back to the very beginning of the world. The gods were bored; therefore they created human beings.”~~Soren Kierkegaard

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Daddy's Guns...

Squee, Dan called again this morning. Twice in four days, a real treat, and a great way to start the day. The kids went off to school very happy after talking to daddy. He's been in KAF the last few days, and I like it.

I was excited to see his Battery was in the news once again today. There were a couple of great articles about the guns in Helmand province working with the British and Americans. All of the articles about the Battery today were fantastic. It's great to get first hand accounts from the soldiers of life in Afghanistan. This time they interviewed our friend Derek, Dan's 2IC and my friend Jen's hubby. We both get so excited (I know, I'm not easily excitable) when we see Dan or Derek's name in an article. It's the little things, really. We don't have a heck of a lot else to be excited about these days. The article in the Ottawa Sun, had some great photos of the gunline, and this picture of the guns is Connor's new favourite. Boys. He's decided he wants to join the army now, just like Daddy and Poppa. He definitely likes playing in the woods, and doesn't mind getting dirty, but I'm not sure he has the work ethic to be a soldier. They definitely work some very long hours (trust me, I know this first hand, and no, I'm not bitter, honest). Someone asked me the other day if I'd let me son be a soldier. I found this a rather strange question. I figure if he's an adult, and that's what he wants to do, that's his decision, and I know Dan and I would both support him in whatever he decides to do. Except become a bum, I will absolutely not allow that one. He's only 11, and I'm pretty sure he is going to change his mind a few times between now and then. He's already had a few job changes this year already. Today soldier, a few months ago a garbage man, the month before that, archaeologist. He's got diverse interests, I'll give him that.

"Canada really is the big kid on the block."~~Captain Derek Crabbe

Monday 16 April 2007

The News Junkie...

I am a self professed news junkie. I freely admit it. I check the news first thing every morning (right after I check to see if Dan has e-mailed me), and I check it regularly through out the day. There are many spouses who can't look at the news at all while their husbands are deployed. I am not one of them. I would much rather know, than not know. Sometimes maybe I know too much, but I don't think so. Partway through her husbands tour, a friend of ours decided not to read the news anymore. That day, she went out and some one asked her if she'd heard the 1RCR RSM had been killed. He was in the same convoy as her husband. She read the news every day after that, not wanting to be blindsided again. If you don't read it in the news, someone will tell you about it. The wives net is a powerful (and often scary) thing. I know there are lots of things Dan tries not to tell me, so I won't worry. I usually end up hearing it anyway. The only time this upset me (so far) was when I found out through the net Dan's convoy had been attacked, I'd have rather heard that from him. Last week, I found myself checking the news much more frequently then I normally do. I'm still not sure how that is possible, but, anyway. So, imagine my surprise last night when I came across an article I missed last week. And imagine my surprise again, when I realized my husband had been interviewed in the article. Actually, I'm not surprised he was interviewed and never mentioned it. That's just not his way. He's far too humble for that. Me, not so much. So, here's the link to the article if any of you are interested in reading it. I think it's great to get the soldiers' view on the mission. Um, and Dan, you're damn straight you'd better be paying extra attention.

“We know we’re making a difference over here. That helps. You can see there’s progress being made so you know these guys sacrificed their lives, and that’s a terrible thing, but we are achieving something over here. They didn’t sacrifice themselves in vein for some unjustified war that isn’t going to achieve anything.”~~Maj DR Bobbitt

Sunday 15 April 2007

A Long Week Over...

Boy was I ever happy to see the ass end of this week. This has, by far, been the absolute worst week of Dan's deployment. I must say, I was very relieved he was in KAF all weekend, though I'm sure he didn't enjoy all the admin he had to do. I always feel so much better when he's there, and I sleep better too. And I would have slept much better this weekend, except for Elizabeth's cough that has kept us both up the last two nights. Poor little thing is worn out, and I must say, I'm heading that way myself. I'm hoping she sleeps better tonight, I've got the cold meds lined up already, and the cool mist going. Fingers crossed it helps, but confidence is not high as I can hear her upstairs hacking already.

It was a pretty uneventful day here again. This morning Jen and the boys came over for coffee/brunch, which was a nice way to spend a Sunday morning. Despite the weather, the kids were in and out like bloody yo-yos much of the day, which was totally a pain, because they'd just get out and it would start raining, so they'd turn around and come back in again. I finally gave up on keeping the front entry way clean. But at least it's only raining out. This morning they were calling for around 20 cms of snow. Ask me how bitter I was over that one. Luckily, some wise meteorologist, no doubt fearing for his personal safety, amended the forecast, so now they are only calling for 5 cms. So much for Global Warming. It might be happening somewhere, but it sure as heck isn't Petawawa. But then again, not much ever does happen in Petawawa.

"Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella."~~Pepper Giardino

Saturday 14 April 2007

The Ancient One...

Well, it wasn't what you'd call an exciting day in Petawawa. Except for of course, when Dan called. That was definitely the highlight of our week. But other then that, it was a very dull day. I was so bored, I cleaned the carpet on the stairs. That's bored for you. We then decided on a trip to Walmart, because I had promised Connor a new pack of Yugi-oh cards as a reward for doing so well in school this week. And then Katty decided she really, really needed to spend her tooth fairy money. She kept asking me every five minutes when we were going to leave. I eventually grew weary of this and asked her what the rush was. "I'm just so ancient Mommy." "Ancient?" "Yes, I'm ancient to spend my tooth fairy money." "Oh," I said. "Don't you mean anxious?" At this point she looked at me quite exasperated, and replied, "Yes, mommy, that's what I said." Alrightie then. My mistake. So, off we went to Walmart. There are actually few things I dislike more then a shopping trip to Walmart with three kids on a Saturday afternoon (Dan's deployment would actually be at the top of my dislike list, but never mind.) Fortunately for me, the kids quickly made their decisions, and we were home within 90 minutes. And when we got home, Stuie decided Arlene and I might like to go for a walk, so he watched all of the kids, and away we went, hoping to walk off some of the chocolate eggs we've eaten. I'm afraid after this week, we probably should have walked an extra five hours.

"Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."~~ Antoine de Saint Exupery

Friday 13 April 2007

The Camels Have To Go....

It has been a long painful week in Petawawa, and I'm glad it is over. I hope we don't have another one like this one. Despite everything, the kids have handled it well. They are a lot stronger then we give them credit for. I'm sure you've all seen the news reports about the "Critical Crisis Facing Petawawa Children". I definitely have my own strongly formed opinions on the subject (shocking I know), but I shan't go into them tonight (shocking again, I know), I'll get way to wound up. It pushes my buttons, and then I'll get on my soap box, and well, it will get ugly. Speaking of pushing my buttons, okay Dan, those camels. You know what I'm going to say about those camels. Seriously, for the love of God, what on earth possessed you to send them to our children. What did I do to deserve such a gift? Those are the things you send to other people's kids, people you enjoy annoying. And I'm sure you really didn't mean them to annoy me, of all people, right now. In fact, I'm reasonably sure Mike and Annette would love a set for the cousins. I can not even begin to describe how bloody annoying those camels are. Camels are not meant to sing, over and over and over again. And sing they do. Oh, you have not lived until you get to experience the singing camel at 6 am. The best is when the kids start shaking them so the bells around their neck ring in time to the song. Which is completely unintelligible, by the way. Even if I spoke Pashto, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to understand what the bloody hell the camel is singing. As far as I'm concerned the only good thing about those camels, is they will be perfect to torment your father with. If only he had not gone home already. As if the camels were not bad enough, Connor has discovered you can get different kinds of framed giant ass spiders. Whoopee!! Apparently, his friend Ryan has four different ones. You know what that means. Have I mentioned I don't really like spiders so much?? But at least it doesn't make any noise, except for the scream from Elizabeth before she realized it was behind glass. The girls love their beaded purses and scarves, Libby takes her purse with her every where she goes. Oh, and Connor's hat was a big hit with the boys at school. Thankfully, he decided to leave the durhka, durhka bit out. That might not have gone over so well. By the way, I got a note from Connor's teacher today. The GOOD kind, believe it or not. "Connor had an awesome week!" Hallelujah!!!! Now if he would just stop trying to make his sisters wear their scarves like burhkas.

"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink."~~ Joe E. Lewis

Thursday 12 April 2007

Whispers Of Sorrow...

It snowed in Petawawa today. The snow fell softly from the sky, like whispers of sorrow from a town in mourning. It was a thick, heavy snow that clung to the trees, the kind you'd see on a Christmas card. Only there was nothing festive about it. It was wet, and slushy, and the dark, dreary sky matched the sombre mood of the town. People here were visibly shaken. Losing eight soldiers in one week has definitely taken it's toll on our community, indeed on all of our military communities. Of course, the media were all over the base today, camped right by the main gate mostly. We passed them on our way to the gym, just another reminder that our little town made the national news for tragic reasons, yet again. This is not the first time our base has lost soldiers. I wish it was the last. You can tell how hard this has hit everyone. Every where I went today, people were visibly moved. Katherine had Sparks at the Legion tonight, and as we were leaving, several retired Dragoons were going in for a memorial beer. One of them commented on how it has been a bad week. It sure has. At the gym, there were several soldiers waiting for fitness testing. Normally, they would be loud and boisterous. Today, they were quiet and subdued. They looked like they had just lost their best friend. I suppose in a way they did. It could easily have been one of them, or their buddies. I'm sure that's a very sobering thought for all of them. And they are so young, some of them in their early 20s (boy do I feel old). And each one of them eager to go and serve. I have not met one soldier yet who did not want to go to Afghanistan. In fact, the ones I do know who stay behind the wire, are chomping at the bit to go outside, to do their part. As General Hillier said today, "It's been a difficult week." Let's pray we don't have any more like this one. Of course, the calls for us to leave Afghanistan have started anew. It makes me so angry when I hear that. As if Canada and Canadians would be better off if we gave in to the terrorists. If we give in now, then the Taliban have won. We can not let that happen.

To put it bluntly, this week has sucked, but we are fine. As Poppa says, I'm a trooper, and so are our kids. We have lots of support, from both family and friends. And it's so nice to know I have friends I can vent to when I need to. Poor Annette and Arlene's ears are probably still ringing tonight. Every one's been great, and we are so grateful for all of you. I got an e-mail from Dan this morning, letting me know he was okay. Even though I knew he was fine, it was very reassuring to hear from him, and it made my day a lot brighter, despite the miserable weather.

“Grief and sadness knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger than common joys”~~Alphonse de Lamartine

Wednesday 11 April 2007

And Another Sad Day....

For the second time this week, we got the sad news that we had lost two more soldiers. And for the second time this week, my heart stopped. Dan is fine, still out in the dessert somewhere, and I so can't wait to hear the reassuring sound of his voice. The news this time hit closer to home, as both of the soldiers were based here, but not from Dan's unit. Two more families are in mourning tonight. Tomorrow, the news will spread around town, and all the "Welcome Home Troops" signs will be replaced by, "We will never forget." And Petawawa, like Gagetown will begin to grieve.

Thank God for friends, especially Arlene, who is there for me, anytime anything happens. I don't know what I'd do without her (and Stu too). She was there for me once again today, calling me several times, and stopping by tonight. I know it eases Dan's mind to know they are here if I need them. Once again, I had to break the news to the kids, and once again, I saw the fear in their eyes. I quickly reassured them that Daddy was okay, but I can tell they are scared. I wish I didn't have to tell them, but I know that if I don't tell them, they will hear it from someone else. A mother's natural instinct, to shield her children from pain, but some things can't be hidden. Ironically, we had just got a parcel from Dan this afternoon. The kids were thrilled, though I was less then thrilled with the framed giant ass black spider that Dan sent Connor. Dead, I might add. Dan also sent Connor a mushroom hat, though the name of it escapes me. Connor walked around saying, "Crikey look at the turban on that Taliban", once again. He might also have been saying "Durhka, Durhka." I can't be sure. Daddy sent the girls each a beautiful beaded purse with matching scarves, which they both love. Although, they were not pleased with Connor's insistence they where them like burkhas. We spent a lot of time after that, talking about the culture of Afghanistan, with the aid of a singing camel that sings some kind of traditional Afghani song. It is hard to understand, as it is a camel after all, and they are not known for their singing abilities. The kids amaze me so much, I am so proud of them, and I know Dan is too. They accept why he is there, to help the people and the children especially. And while I know they would rather Daddy be at home, they also know it is important the soldiers remain. In fact, Libby said, " I wish all of the soldiers could come home, but if they leave before all of the Taliban are gone, then the Taliban would come back and hurt the women and children. And so the soldiers have to stay. The people of Afghanistan need our help, and that is what soldiers do, they help people. I'm proud my daddy is a solider to help people." How come a nine year old can get it, but some adults can't??

"Often, the only way to comfort the suffering is to understand that you can't understand and just be there."~~Unknown

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Candy, Candy, and More Candy...

Ok, so the kids have enough candy to last them a year. It's ridiculous. And yes, I am partially to blame for this. Alright, mostly too blame. Over compensation for daddy not being here, I suppose. Nana, however, has no such excuse. I particularly enjoyed the whistle tubes she gave them that were pure sugar and dye. Oh, and yes, they do actually whistle. A very annoying whistle, I might add. I was surprised this morning when they went to school. Not one of them tried to smuggle candy out the door (oh, and they didn't complain about going back either.) I think even they have made themselves sick of it the last 2 days. I was so proud of myself. I did not eat one piece of chocolate all weekend, until the news broke on Sunday. Since then, I've had the "odd" piece. I've had to put their baskets away in their rooms, otherwise, there will not be one Caramilk egg left by the time they get home. And knowing Elizabeth, she has her candy counted down to the last jelly bean. I think I am going to be in big trouble when the kids get home from school. Very big trouble.

"Stress wouldn’t be so hard to take if it were chocolate covered."~~Anonymous