We made our first trip to the beach today. It was a perfect day for it, not too humid, but still nice and warm for the kids to play in the water. The kids had a blast. It was a great way to break up our last weekend. They were a bit down this morning because it was Father's Day, and Daddy wasn't here, so I thought they could use a distraction. And I certainly needed the break. I spent the morning cleaning and doing laundry, getting ready to pack for vacation. Boy, were they ever helpful when I told them we would go to the beach. The three of them worked together to pack up. They even blew the floaties up all by themselves. Can you believe Katherine had a great day today?? She didn't utter the words stupid dumb once. Hard to believe I know. She would have happily stayed there all day, I think. While Connor and Libby were off exploring on the rocks, she played quietly in the sand. Quietly! Imagine it! And all three of them went in swimming several times, even Connor, the boy who is always reluctant to get wet. He certainly didn't have a problem with that today. We stayed at the beach for a few hours. I thought there might be some complaining when it was time to leave, but there was none at all. They even helped me pack up! Their helpfulness even carried on after we got home. They all tidied up their rooms, without any arguing or whining. Connor even cleaned out under his bed, and vacuumed! I'm still shocked. I'm not sure what is in the water at the beach, but I like it. If they are going to be like this every time we go to the beach, we'll be going everyday! I know, it won't last that long, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

"If you're lucky enough to be at the beach...then you're lucky enough! "~~Unknown
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