The Fair is in town this weekend, and the kids couldn't wait to go. Today was opening day, it was Loonie Twoonie Day, so all the rides were $1 or $2. It should have been just twoonie day, as almost everything cost $2, but never mind. We had supper with Arlene and the boys, and then off we went to beat the crowds. I can only say this Fair made the Bill Lynch Fair at Apple Blossom seem gargantuan. There wasn't even a Ferris Wheel. What the hell? What kind of Fair doesn't have a Ferris Wheel? The kids were pretty keen to go on it. Even Katty was disappointed there wasn't one, though I'm not so sure she wouldn't have wussed out if there had been one there. I'm wondering if we will manage to get them on the London Eye next weekend or not, they all think they want to go on it. There was a Zipper, but there was no way in hell they were getting on that one. They did manage to get on the Tea Cups, but Connor would not get on the Tilt a Whirl. Now as far as I'm concerned, the Tilt a Whirl is the only reason to go to the Fair, it's always been my favourite ride. Not so much for Dan, the last time we went on one together, he was green afterwards. Connor went off with Arlene and the boys, and the girls and I went for a ride. Wow, it was whirly alright. Libby absolutely loved it. Katty, like her Daddy, not so much. Part way through, her tummy got upset, and she started crying to get off. I was scared she was going to be sick all over me, but she managed to hold onto her stomach. As we were getting off, she informed me she was never ever going on that "Stupid Dumb ride ever again in her entire life." And of course, Libby was begging to go on it again. On the way home, Katty told me they should change the name of that stupid dumb ride to the Tilt A Hurl. Libby can't wait to go to the Fair with Daddy next year, so they can go on the Tilt A Hurl together. I'm thinking that's probably as likely to happen as getting him on the Ferris Wheel that they didn't have. Not likely.
Heheh, I remember the time Dan and I went on the Zipper and the carnie spun us around... we probably pulled 8 G's and eventually we had to stop the ride because... well, I was locked in a cage with a man about to be sick!
Tell the kids I'll go with them on any ride if I'm around. ;)
I'm there for the Tilt A Whirl too. Did you pull on the handle and lean so that it spun even faster?
And the Bill Lynch? Ahh, memories.
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