We took the Heathrow Express train into London, and then a taxi from Piccadilly to our hotel. The only problem we had was I brought way to much luggage. I freely admit this. I don't know what I was thinking, I should have doubled up suitcases, but instead I brought one for each of us. Duh!! We ended up needing two taxis because all of our luggage wouldn't fit. And yes, I heard about it. I'm sure I'll still be hearing about it in 20 years. We did finally make it to our hotel ($218 later). We stayed at the Union Jack Club, a hotel for serving and ex military personal. It was in a great location, opposite Waterloo Station, and within walking distance of all the main tourist highlights.
After we checked into our hotel, we all ended up having a nap. All except Elizabeth that is. She was just too excited to sleep. She kept trying to wake us up, without much success I'm afraid. Eventually we got up, and went out and explored some of the sites. We walked to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and the London Eye. I've got to say the whole thing was amazing. I couldn't believe we were really there. After exploring for a bit, we took the kids to McDonald's for supper. As we were waiting in line, a gang fight erupted. It was a little scary. Luckily it ended quickly, and with no serious injuries. The kids didn't know what to think, nor did I. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen in Pet. So after a hasty meal, we went back to our hotel, and relaxed for a bit. It was so nice to be together again. And it was even nicer to watch Dan sorting the kids out for bed. I think I can get used to that.

“Nothing is certain in London but expense.”~~William Shenstone
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