Katherine is driving me crazy. She is as moody as all get out. One minute, she's happy as Larry, the next, ready to claw somebodies eyes out (usually mine). I think that she needs anger management courses. Either that or a dose of lithium.
Seriously, I have never seen a child change her mood on a drop of a dime like she does, with the possible exception of me when I was little. To say she has been a little temperamental this week would be an understatement. Stupid dumb skipping rope, stupid dumb bug bites, stupid dumb bedtime, stupid dumb bath, stupid dumb homework, stupid dumb library book, and so on and so on. I hear the words "stupid dumb" in my sleep. I even found myself referring to a slow driver as a "stupid dumb driver." My personal favourite was, "stupid dumb idiot." (that was directed at her sister) followed by, "stupid dumb booby," (her favourite blanket in the whole wide world). Of course, I was hard pressed to keep a straight face as the stupid dumb booby was followed by, "I'm so so sorry booby, I didn't mean it, you're not stupid and dumb, you're the best booby ever." As if any of us would ever get an apology from her like that. I wish. Last week, I was the stupidest and dumbest mommy ever, and she was going to go find a better one. My response to that? "Have a good trip, and don't forget to look for cars when you cross the road," which earned my quite the look if indignation. Obviously, I was not supposed to support this idea. Shortly after that, I was the best mommy ever, and she promised never to be angry at me again. Right. I'm sure she really means that. At least, until I piss her off again. I'm wondering how many times she will call something (or someone) stupid and dumb while we are on holidays. I'm guessing not once. She'll be daddy's little angel. And then, mark my words, we will get off the plane in Ottawa, and it will be "stupid dumb airport". Just you wait and see. 
"Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry."~~Lyman Abbott
1 comment:
Katherine sounds excatly like you when you were small. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, dear!! LOL!!
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