One of the best parts of our military lifestyle is the friends we have made. By necessity, our friends become our family. This has certainly been true for me the last year, there are times I don't know what I would have done without Jen and Arlene. They have been my rock. But it's not just my friends who are down the street who have been there for me, its all my wonderful friends all over the world that I know I can call any time I feeling blue, or just need to talk (which doesn't happen very often). Emma, Melissa, Jackie, Phil, Michelle, and so many more. I can call anyone of them on any given day, and know they understand because they've been there too. The beauty of military friends is you can go years without seeing each other, but the first time you are together, it's like you've never been apart. And if we're really lucky, we end up being posted together again. Emma and Jackie are together now in England. I'm not jealous, honest I'm not. OK, I am a little bit. I was so hoping this year Melissa and Phil would be here with me in Pet, but unfortunately that didn't happen. One went to Shilo, the other Gagetown. That is so not fair! However, we did get a pleasant surprise. Our old neighbours from Gagetown, Tim and Monia, were posted here this summer. They also have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. Each of their children are just slightly older than each of ours. And it was the kids who found each other. The Bobbitt 3 were playing at the park one day when the Halfkenny kids came to play as well. Mark and Connor took one look at each other, and knew they knew each other from somewhere. In 5 minutes they figured it out. Gagetown. The Halfkenny's bought a house a few streets over from ours, so they are within walking distance. What great kids they are. When they were in Gagetown, they were a bit wild (like ours weren't), but they have really calmed down. And they all get along like a house on fire. I've got to say, they've been a God send to me this week. Melissa has kept Katty very happy. Finally, a friend who is around during the day for her to play with. And it turns out, her and Melissa will be in the same class next year, and they will be taking the same bus. Katty is thrilled by this, as her favourite classmate was posted to Germany this summer. Matthew, their middle child, will be in the grade 5 section of Connor's class, and Mark is a grade ahead of Connor, which is probably a good thing given how easily distracted Connor is. All this week, Monia and I have been trading off kids, and it's been fantastic. Melissa and Mark came over here to play yesterday. And this morning, all three of mine went to their house. And I got to go shopping, all by myself! Sweet!! Tonight, Katty went back to their house for a sleepover and Mark came here. It's been so peaceful and quiet. No bickering or arguing or "I'm boreds." I wonder if I can persuade them to keep Katty for the next 2 weeks?
"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."~~ John Leonard
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