If you haven't heard about Webkinz, you probably don't have any young children. They are all the rage these days, various stuffed animals that come with their own code so you can register them online. Of course, they are so popular they are difficult to find, especially here in Mayor Bobville, where everything is difficult to find. The kids all have a great time playing on the Webkinz website, and the stuffies really are cute. The only problem is, the Bobbitt 3 are addicted to them. The more they get, the more they want. Luckily for them, they have a Sugar Auntie who feeds their addiction. It has gotten so bad, they expect their weekly fix. They even know what time the UPS man arrives in the morning, and what time the FEDEX man comes in the afternoon. On Monday I was expecting a shipment of stencils, which they were convinced would also have Webkinz in it. When the UPS man did not come Monday, they were not impressed. Luckily for me (and him) he did arrive Tuesday morning with my parcel, and low and behold Ann Marie had sent them each a new Webkinz for their collection. This was their end of vacation Webkinz, to match their Webkinz they had to have as a travel surprise, to go with the Webkinz that was to cheer them up when we came back from England. You get the idea. Ann Marie really is a star, she has taken great care of us all this last 7 months. She has sent us all care packages throughout the deployment, including Dan. He loves her packages, they are always full of great goodies. I can tell you without a doubt, he gets better packages from her than he does from me. Anyway, I really had no idea how many of these things she had sent the kids, I just kind of hand them out when the kids are feeling down and missing Daddy. Obviously, I should have paid more attention. In my defense, its hard to keep track of all of their various toys. And I have told her before that she doesn't need to keep sending the kids things, but her response is "Their father has gone to war, they need cheering up." I do find it hard to argue with that one. Hell, I need cheering up! But they really don't need anymore Webkinz. They have more Webkinz than Carter has little liver pills. It's crazy. They actually piled them all together, and I could hardly see the kids for all of the stuffies! Holy spoiled rotten. I don't think there is a Webkinz that has been made that the kids don't have! I've had to put my foot down, and tell the Bobbitt 3 and Ann Marie, no more Webkinz. Enough Webkinz already. I was pleasantly surprised when Ann Marie (seemingly) agreed to this (she can be a bit stubborn). I really should have known better. Seems she has discovered there are Webkinz Charms! Oh my. I wonder what the UPS man will be bringing the Bobbitt 3 next week.
"Never fear spoiling children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow."~~Thomas Bray
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