The kids all had a great time on their sleepovers last night. The boys were good as gold, asleep by midnight. Mark stayed most of the day, he didn't want to go home. Katty stayed at Melissa's until 3, and Libby was out playing with her friend most of the day. The house was lovely and quiet, too damn quiet. I was so bored. There wasn't a soul around, everyone was gone for the weekend. Except for me, Nobby No Mates. I was actually excited when the bike shop called and said Dan's bike was ready because it gave me an excuse to get out of the house. Of course, that only took 15 minutes and I was left wandering around the house again. I can't believe I am actually complaining that I was in the house with no kids, and it was quiet, but there it is. How sad is that? Of course, the quiet was short lived. Katty was only home 5 minutes and she was complaining that she was bored, and having a tantrum over it. Why oh why didn't I enjoy it while it lasted? Stupid dumb quiet wasn't so stupid after all, was it? Just when I thought it was going to be, as Katty would say the "longest, most boreinest day of the summer", my buddy Melissa called, not once but twice!! I hadn't talked to her in months, and months, so we had lots of catching up to do. Melissa was in Gagetown for 3 of our 6 years there, and she is a wonderful friend. In fact, she was my rock during Dan's last deployment, watching my kids when I needed to get groceries, or pick Connor up from school, and when I needed to take a sick Libby to the hospital in the middle of the night. I've got to say, Melissa is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. How she ended up friends with me is beyond me, but never mind. It's so funny, she's just moved back to Gagetown, and is not really happy about it, ( mostly because it's so far away from her mom and dad in Kentucky) and I can't wait to go back there. I'm so jealous. Of course, part of the reason I want to go is because she is there, and Jackie will be back there next year. I miss Gagetown, I miss the Superstore, I miss Frenchies, I miss my pharmacist (don't ask), I miss the fabric store, I miss it all. Mostly I miss all of the friends and good times we had there. Here's hoping we get posted back there next summer. Of course, knowing my luck, even if we do get posted back, Melissa and Jeffie will get posted out just as we arrive. Stupid, dumb army.
"The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealized past."~~Robertson Davies, A Voice from the Attic
1 comment:
Sounds to me that "Stupid, dumb" is getting a good work out these days.
Can't understand how quiet should drive you crazy these days, you should ACTUALLY be longing for it after a summer of kids.
Drifferent strokes for different folks, I guess.
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