As soon as their feet hit the floor, it started. "Are the cousins coming, are the cousins coming?" Unfortunately, it was overcast this morning, so we weren't sure if a trip to the beach would work out. Fortunately, Mike and Annette decided to come anyway. Of course, that meant I had to listen to, "When are the cousins going to be here?" for the next 2 hours. Luckily for all of us, it was actually quite muggy, and the rain held off, in spite of Mike's predictions it would start any minute. We decided to head to the beach after all, and the kids had a great time. It was still quite cloudy, so the water wasn't quite as warm as yesterday, but the kids didn't seem to mind. Of course, they managed to drop a few chips here and there, which the seagulls loved. Annette, not so much. In fact, I think Mike's sandal may have been thrown at them a couple of times. I think. They really are filthy, disgusting animals, and I'm still amazed no one got shat on, but never mind. The kids did have great fun chasing them down the beach, though.
It was quite amusing listening to the kids chatting with each other. The best was listening to Libby and Sarah. Poor things, they really do have a hard go of it. Sarah was lamenting on how her parents never let her eat what she wants, she hardly ever has pop, or chips. I found this particularly amusing as she was drinking pop and eating chips as she was saying this. It was Libby's response that really cracked me up though. She sighed a little bit, and then said very seriously, "Well Sarah, when you are a grown up, you will be able to eat as much of it as you want, whenever you want." Oh, the injustice of it all. Speaking of injustice, there was also much lamenting on the fact that they don't live closer together. It would be so much better if they lived beside each other. I don't think they realize the novelty of that might wear off rather quickly. It's just not fair. Funny how life is like that. There was much angst when it was time for them to go home. Of course, their van wasn't even out of sight when it started. "When are we going to see the cousins again?" Doh!
"Are we not like two volumes of one book?~~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
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