The last day of March was beautiful, warm and sunny in Petawawa. Completely opposite from the beginning of the month. We had another great day. I must say, I am so loving this new attitude of Connor's. He's been fantastic. We went off to the pool this morning for their final lesson of this session of swimming. Today was the fun day, so they got to go on the slides. Libby was bitterly disappointed that the rope was broken, which meant she couldn't swing off of it. Can't say I was that disappointed, she tends to be a bit of a wild woman in the water. We had an e-mail from Dan when we got home from swimming. Good news, he's back in KAF. Bad news, he has food poisoning. I feel so bad for him, he was up all night. The one night he could actually get a half decent rest, and sleep in a real bed, and he's up sick. Hopefully, he gets some rest tonight. As usual, I don't know how long he's in for, but let's hope it's a few days.
This afternoon we were off to the Sugar Bush at the Petawawa Forestry Centre. It was the first deployment activity they've had, specifically for families of deployed members. We went with Jen and her boys, and our friend Charlotte was also there (with her step daughters Nicole, who Connor like likes, and her sister Lauren, whom I believe he is fond of as well). The kids all had a blast, they got to run around in the woods, and tap a maple tree. They then got to watch maple syrup being made, and eat maple taffy, and drink hot chocolate. and it was even Timmie's hot chocolate, not the yucky watery stuff. They are obviously hot chocolate connoisseurs. I'd love to show you pictures of them, but wouldn't you know, I forgot the camera. Apparently, forgetfulness was going around, because both Jen and Charlotte forget theirs as well. We got some maple candies for a treat on the way home, and then they came back and played outside the rest of the day. They never came in until 8 pm. I'd forgotten how much I love spring.
“Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"”~~Robin Williams