Saturday, 10 March 2007

The Monkey's Are Running The Zoo...

Scratch my prediction yesterday that is was going to be a good week. Day one over, and my hopes are crushed already. I am more convinced then ever that March Break is some nefarious plan perpetuated by teachers as revenge for having to deal with our children for 10 months of the year. Seriously, think about it. When was there ever nice weather at March Break, so you could go out and do stuff? None, that I can remember. I'm sure meteorologists are consulted to find the one week in March guaranteed to have crappy weather, so that we will be stuck indoors with the kids as they slowly go mad of boredom. They were bang on again this year. The first day of March break, and we wake up (at 5:30 am courtesy of Katherine, I might add) to freezing rain. It rained most of the morning, and then was wet and slippery all afternoon. So the kids were trapped in the house all day. The end result, by the time Jen, and Stu and Arlene showed up with their kids for dinner, they were all shack whacky. Madness soon prevailed, and the monkey's were ruling the zoo! Of course, they all fed off of each other, but I'm sure everyone can guess who the ring leader was. King Louie, aka, Mr Happy Pants was up to some of his usual antics, and ended up losing another half hour off of his bedtime. Pavlov's dog got it faster then Connor! Bless Jen, Stu, and Arlene, I'm not quite sure why the put up with us, but I sure am glad! Honestly, I can't believe how any of them would be crazy enough to want to come back to the Bobbitt's for dinner, it was hardly what I would call a relaxing meal. And poor Stu, he's our token husband. I told him it's like being a polygamist, 3 nagging wives with none of the perks. I think he just comes for the gossip, although, I notice he has way more then the rest of us put together. So, while it might not have been a stress free meal, it was yummy, Maple Curry Chicken. Although, the only downside is my house now smells like a Pakistani Brothel, not that I would know first hand how one would smell, mind you.

"Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare."~~Ed Asner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're just learning about the stress of "The Joyous March Break". How well do I remember the days!!!