Today we finally got a doctor right here in Petawawa. One less thing for me to worry about. We were actually quite lucky. We only had to wait nine months. Some people have had to wait two years or more. The health care system here is abysmal, much like it is in a lot of Canada. The doctor we had when we lived here before has long since retired, and many others have pulled up stakes for the glamour and pay in the big cities. Fortunately, Dan's health care is provided by the military, so we at least didn't have to worry about that. Us having a doctor here means no more trips to Ottawa to see the doctor. Well, truthfully, I haven't made any trips to Ottawa to the doctor. I've put off all my appointments. It was just one more hassle to deal with. So, now, I have no more excuses. Unfortunately, it's too late for me to get my allergy shots for this year. I was supposed to start them in January, and finish them in November. I have no one to blame for that but myself, and I know Dan will kick my butt for forgetting to get them. I could have had them done at the walk in clinic in Pembroke, but I legitimately forgot. Honest. There was just so much other stuff going on, and really, who thinks about allergies in December. And there was still the hassle of going to Ottawa to get the prescription, yada yada. You know what I am saying. Unfortunately, the long and short of my forgetfulness is that I will probably be suffering greatly in about 4 weeks. You'll know when my allergies start, I've no doubt I will be complaining about them frequently.
Connor had another great day at school. He even came home with a check mark. And wouldn't you know there were kids who did not pass in their book reports, and he wasn't one of them. First time for everything. Actually, he's having another great day at home as well. He's been outside with his buddies all afternoon, and only came in long enough to eat. The girls have been out too. No rock painting yet, Dad. Just chalk drawings on the driveway. Oh, and some kind of soup concoction in the back yard. I was too afraid to look at it, though. Katty is still a bit cranky. She was bored this afternoon, so when she came in she listened to the relaxation CD she got from the deployment counsellor. There are all kinds of great relaxation exercises on it. I'm here to tell you they work, because one minute I was listening to it with her, and the next I was asleep. Go figure. She was quite into jelly belly, and spaghetti toes. Me too, apparently. There is even an exercise to help her when she is feeling grumpy. I thought this was fantastic, as we all know Katty is a bit moody. She listened to the entire CD, and then promptly got up and had a temper tantrum when it was over. Stupid dumb boring relaxation. Indeed. I find the same thing, relaxation is so over rated. I can't stand it myself.
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."~~Chinese Proverb
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