Who knew the blog would be so popular, or that a few skipped entries would cause such outrage. As many of you have noted (and yes I have read all of your harassing e-mails), I have been behind on my blog updates. You'll be happy to know I do have drafts of the last two days entries, but they have obviously not been published yet. There are many reasons for my tardiness, but I know these excuses will be viewed by many as unacceptable. I would like to say I have been behind because I have been busy cleaning the house, but alas this is not the case. Though as I look around I realize that should indeed be the case. But don't worry Dan, the garage and laundry room are nice and tidy. Honest. I would not lie about that. Despite Maureen being here (or because of it, I should say), the house is definitely a tip. Not that Maureen makes the house messy, although she does have an inordinate amount of baggage laying around for one person. But really, Maureen being here is the most obvious reason I have been behind on the blog. She does need to be entertained after all, and I can't very well leave her to roam unsupervised around the house whilst I write, Lord knows what mischief she would get in to! And of course, there is also the 20 signs I need to complete for a store order, but actually, I am behind on them as well. They were supposed to be delivered this afternoon, but won't actually be delivered until tomorrow morning. I could also say I was tardy because of single parenthood, but even that is not entirely accurate, especially with Nana here to take over cooking meals and dishes. However, the kids do still have me hopping, especially Mr Happy Pants. There is lunches, homework, and after school activities, bedtime, and laundry, always the laundry, unless Gramma or John are here, that is. It seems obvious really, that my tardiness was not caused by one single factor, but more by a combination of all of the above reasons. Those coupled with the fact that Dan is still not in to read the blog, are a recipe for procrastination my friends. However, now that I have been informed that you, my loyal readers are unhappy with these delays, I shall endeavour to catch up on my unfinished entries, and keep the blog updated more regularly. I'll get started on that tomorrow.
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."~~ Don Marquis
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."~~ Don Marquis
Excuses, Excuses, EXCUSES!!!
Nana is a fully grown woman who should be able to enertain herself; that's what we parents do, you know.
Am glad to see you have't completely slacked off, my dear!
Well, what happened to catching up?
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