Monday, 19 March 2007

Murphy's Law....

After all my excitement yesterday about the kids going back to school today, wouldn't you know, the bloody bus broke down. I kid you not. I was poisoned. I even had them out the door early, just in case. I happily sent them out the door, and sat down to enjoy my first coffee in peace and quiet in over a week, and then, the kids came in to say they thought they missed the bus. I checked the clock, and sure enough, the bus was over 10 minutes late. I wasn't too long getting dressed and warming up the van, let me tell you. I had them there 5 minutes before the bell rang. And of course, as luck would have it, about 5 minutes after I left, the bus went by. Urgh. The only good thing about the bus not showing up, was Connor's sisters had an opportunity to rat him out. For some crazy reason, he thought it would be a good idea to take his Nintendo DS to school. I quickly set him straight on that one. I then had to return to the school this afternoon for a joint meeting with Connor and his teacher. He of course, was thrilled by this. Not. And wouldn't you know we waited for his teacher for 20 minutes. She had forgotten about our meeting. It is so going to be one of those weeks, I can tell. Any way, we've come up with a new system to try to keep him on track, and to help him complete his work. Fingers crossed it works. I'm not sure my nerves can handle another week like the one we had before March break.

"If something can go wrong, it will."~~Murphy's Law

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