Spring started tonight but you wouldn't know it by the temperature in Petawawa today. Holy crow (not what I said when I went outside this morning), it's cold here today. It was -29 Celsius with the wind chill. That is just wrong on so many levels. I really hate March. It and November are my least favourite months. It is colder today then it was in early January. I so don't get this weather. The other day, Katty was outside playing in the driveway with no coat on. And today, she won't play outside at all because it is too cold. It's almost too cold to go to Timmie's. Wait, it's never too cold to go to Timmie's. But that's as far as I went. The heck with that. Groan. Won't you just be glad when it's June? I know I will.
"Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will presently disappear, the taxes last us all the year."~~Ogden Nash
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