Connor was very happy today as it was finally time for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie to come out. I had promised him I would take him this weekend if he had a good week and school. It was obviously great incentive, as he did very well all week, all check marks from his teacher. Luckily for me, it was playing at the Base Theatre, which was very surprising as they never get movies the first weekend they are out. So off I went with the 3 kids, and a spare (Connor's friend Ryan). Have I mentioned I love the Base Theatre? Admission is $5 for kids, $7 for adults. The entire outing cost $40 for all 5 of us. Sweet!! Of course, I should have known it would be packed on a Saturday night on opening weekend. There was a huge lineup, but we only had to wait a few minutes. We did manage to find 5 seats together (in the fifth row). The kids loved it, even Katty. She wasn't scared at all, which was good. And she only went to the bathroom twice. Of course, the movie didn't start until 7:30, and it was almost 3 hours long. No surprise, Katty curled up in her chair and fell asleep by 9:50. No worries though, Connor will fill her in on what she missed tomorrow. As predicted by my friend Ann Marie, the first words out of Connor's mouth as we left the theatre, "I hope they make a Pirate's of the Caribbean 4." Oh, and in case you're wondering, he told me it's better than Spiderman. Of course, now they are anxious to go see Shrek 3. It's coming to the Base Theatre the weekend before we go on vacation. It's perfect timing, it will be a great distraction for them. And even better, that one is free for all of the deployed families. You've got to like that.
"Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?"~~Jack Sparrow
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