So much for my thinking the kids would sleep in this morning after their late night last night. The little buggers were up and at it before 7:30 am. It was a rainy miserable day here in Petawawa, a perfect day to finish up Libby's room. I went and rented some video games to occupy the monsters, and than Arlene and I tackled the last coat of paint. Have I mentioned how much I love her? Seriously, I'd be lost without her (not to mention 30 pounds heavier as I wouldn't be walking as much). When Arlene attacks a project, she does not do it half assed, as I myself tend to do. We have decided we balance each other out. At any rate, if it were up to me, Libby's room would be half finished for another 3 months. Luckily, it didn't come to that, and there is one very happy little girl in the Bobbitt household. She told me her bedroom was like a "dream come true, because she'd been waiting her entire life for a pink bedroom." At 9 she's had a very, very long wait, I'm surprised senility did not set in while she was waiting. Of course now, Arlene's already thinking about what we should do with the downstairs bathroom. It is a disaster, and needs a lot of work, but I've no doubt Arlene will have that all figured out by the end of the week. Have I mentioned I love this woman? Oh, and big relief, Katherine has decided that nice as Libby's room is, she really doesn't want hers painted. As if that was likely to happen anyway.

I so can not be posted unless Arlene is posted with me. And poor Stu, I think he's wishing they had a girl so they could have a pretty pink room.
"Dear friend, I owe a debt to you today,
A debt my hand nor heart can e'er repay;
A debt not paid in gold, were gold in store,
Can but be paid in love by loving more..."~~Colfax Burgoyne Harman
100% agreement with you there, daughter of mine.
After having met Arlene and Stu, you are truely blessed to have such great friends.
Now I don't worry about you and teh g'kids as much.
Forgot to tell Lib, her bedroom is really pretty now.
My word, that is one very pink bedroom. Please ask her not to mention it to Meg, she will be very "covertous" (made up Monica word!!). I have a few jobs to finish over here, can you send Arlene over please??
Libby , you're room is just beautiful! I can't wait to see it for myself.
Love you
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