Elizabeth had a routine doctor's appointment this morning. There was no fear of me being bored while we waited for him as she was quite chatty. So chatty, she was a bit manic and jumped topics like frogs on lily pads. We had quite an in depth conversation about the two vents in the floor, which is evidently a fascinating subject. We then discussed the size of the exam room, as it was once an old PMQ and she figured it was the same as her old room in Petawawa. She insists she remembers it well, which I find interesting as we moved to Gagetown when she was 18 months old. She then noticed the fish poster on the ceiling above the exam table. "Look at the pretty fish, mom. And isn't it sad how some kids have cancer and have to spend their birthday in the hospital?" As I was saying, "Yes that is tragic." she noticed an anti smoking poster on the wall. "Nana should quit smoking. Nana told me it's like me quitting candy but I don't think so much, candy doesn't give you cancer." Out of the mouths of babes. Next came a discussion on the "artharitis" poster. "Arlene and Nanny Doris both have the artharitis, their hands must hurt a lot." The next poster that caught her eye was the Tell Someone poster for cervical cancer. Of course, then we had to discuss what that was all about. She's decided her and Katty really should get the HPV vaccine. Luckily, Dr Rowan came in then, as my head was starting to ache. This was her first time seeing our new doctor, and let me tell you, he was quite smitten with her. Of course, the fact that she told him all about Ireland might have something to do with that (he's originally from Ireland). The two of them had quite a discussion about the National Botanic Centre in Dublin, and I'm afraid there is no way to avoid going to see those giant lily pads now. Oh, and they also discussed how expensive things were in Ireland. She informed him she really wasn't worried about that anyway, as she would not be spending her own money because mommy and daddy would be paying for everything. Big of us, don't you think? Once they were done chatting, he had a look at her knee and her warts are finally almost gone. He then checked her out to see what was causing her hoarse voice, and, not surprising, diagnosed her with upper respiratory allergies. She is now on two different puffers for the summer, and will probably have to go on Singulair as well. So it was off to the drug store again, after a stop at Timmies. For some reason, I needed an extra large coffee this morning. Thank goodness we have a drug plan, it's shaping up to be an expensive week. If only PharmaPlus gave Air Miles for prescriptions.
"A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer."~~Author Unknown
1 comment:
Are you sure you didn't give the child candy or a red drink. Didn't think Lib was ever a "Chatty Kathy".
I'm going to stow away in your suitcase just to get the chance to see Ireland.
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