Holy heck it was hot in Petawawa today. Well over 28 degrees Celsius. It felt like July. It was great! Once I got the kids out the door that is. Before they left, it was madness trying to find all of their hats, put sunscreen on them, give them all their medicine. You know, a normal weekday morning. I actually spent the afternoon ripping apart the flower bed, with Arlene's help, of course. Maybe we could have picked a little cooler day. Surprisingly, not one of the kids asked for the sprinkler or to go swimming. What's up with that?? I had been bracing myself for it all day! All they wanted was Popsicles. I was okay with that, much less trouble for me. I was totally not in the mood for that in and out of their bathing suits foolishness. I really should have uncovered the air conditioner this afternoon, its over 26 degrees in the house. Hopefully, it will cool down some over night. Although, I'm much too paranoid to leave the windows open at night. And I do hate sleeping with the window open in my room at this time of year, because it just makes my allergies worse. I can barely see as it is. I suppose I could go outside now and uncover it, but it's dark out there, and I'm frightened. Actually, I'm just too lazy. And besides, I might miss some of House, and that would not be good. Hmm, come to think of it, it has gotten a lot warmer in here since House came on.
"Weather forecast for tonight: dark."~~George Carlin
Honey, you've got nothing to complain about; I'll trade you our heat wave for yours. Yesterday, it was 36 Celcius here in the sun and you know my garden is in the sun. The thermostats in the house had gone as high as they could go, 30 C yesterday and today, Thursday.
Hopefully, you took the cover of your CA today. Turn it on and stop griping!
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