Tuesday, 1 May 2007

May Day...

The first day of another month, and I bet you can't guess who called me bright and early this morning? John thought he'd trick me by using his cell phone to call so I wouldn't recognize the number. I'm still stunned he even knew how to turn it on! Now, he says he won, I say it was a draw. We both said pinch and a punch at the exact same time, but whatever, I will be the bigger person and let him claim the victory. After all, he doesn't get them very often. And if he doesn't win now and again, he will get discouraged. We can't let that happen.

Elizabeth is watching from the stairs, impatiently waiting for me to move so she can play her webkinz game. Ask how impressed I am by that one. All 3 of them are clamouring for time on the computer to play. They are addicted. Of course, we have a computer in Connor's room they could use, but it's slower. Oh, the humanity. Of course, up until the unfortunate demise of Pine Cone, the excuse was it was too stinky because his nest was beside the monitor. At least they don't have that excuse anymore. And that, my friends was the extent of our excitement for the day. Not exactly what you would call scintillating. I did however, come across a CD with some old photos of the kids. My favourite is the one where Katty put herself in the corner. If only she'd do that now.

Two more articles about the Battery!

"If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out."~~ George Brett, 1986


Anonymous said...

Very good stories about our D Battery; now if we could only send over, some of the assholes from Canada who are yelling for our buys to come home, so they could experience the misery of some of the Afghanies from these attacks. MAYBE then they would stop their WHINING!!

And for Katy standing herself in the corner, I can rememer the day, when I was visiting you in Gagetown. She had been throwing a temper-tantrum, you were out at the clothesline and you told her one more out burst and you'd been in to put her in the corner for a timeout. Being Katy, she JUST had to have the last yell, then turned around and marched herself into the corner. It was so funny, I still grin when I think of it.

Monica said...

Hey Mom,
Wrong picture, this one was at Christmas, and no way would I be hanging out laundry then. I do remember the one you are talking about, I have pictures of that one somewhere I think, just haven't tracked them down yet.