Friday, 8 June 2007

Tornado Warning, Again.

Well, I had a lovely day today. Arlene had another appointment in Ottawa, so I just had to tag along. And as if that was not exciting enough, Dan called this morning right before we left. Twice in one week, unheard of! It was great, the kids all got to talk to him right before they went off to the bus stop with Stu and the boys. They all went to school happy after talking to Daddy. Arlene and I had enough time to squeeze in a trip to Chapters, and two real malls today. Sweet!!! I was happy to find some nice Canada t-shirts for our Canada Day in England with our dear friends the Armstrong's. We had a lovely day shopping, and then got home just before the storm hit, thank goodness. The kids and I walked home from Stu and Arlene's and the skies opened up about five minutes later. We had a supper date with Stu and Arlene at McDonald's and we were treated to a fantastic lightning show on the way there. And yes, Connor was thrilled. Of course, he was full of information about the various types of lightning. Apparently, we had seen forked lightning. Who knew? So as we speak, he is thrilled because there is a tornado warning. It occurs to me, that I should probably have the computer turned off, but I figure, if a tornado does hit Petawawa, whether or not the computer is on, is really the least of my worries. Connor, of course, can't help himself, he keeps getting up in the window to check it out, although he remains skeptical that a tornado will actually hit us. Let's hope he's right.

On a gloomy, rainy morning, it came little eight-year-old Tommy's turn to say the blessing at breakfast. "We thank Thee for this beautiful day," he prayed. His mother asked him why he said that when the day was anything but beautiful. "Mother," said he, with rare wisdom, "never judge a day by its weather."~~Unknown

1 comment:

Mary said...

Well Monnie, I really am thrilled that you are almost ready for your trip. It has been a long journey since January but we are all very proud of Danny and of you and the kids.

D'arcy has been fascinated with Nessie for as long as I can remember. We read about the recent sighting in the paper and I swear he wanted to head right over.

Lots going on here so I haven't looked at your blog for a week or so. Lo just moved into town with some buddies (they have a very inexpensive sublet for the summer). I think he will stay somewhere in the city when school starts up. Anyway, he is a couple of blocks from the Westin (that's where he is working this summer).

D has a job as a Cabin Counsellor at the Scout Camp most of the summer and will only be home o Saturday nights.

We will virtually be empty nesters until mid August. Al is doing handsprings! (Mom had to shut Lo's door!)

Aunt Mary