Thursday, 15 March 2007

The Ides Of March...

I've been going around all day thinking, "Beware the Ides of March." I'm sure there is absolutely no correlation between that and the fact that the in laws arrived today. Absolutely none. From lunchtime on, I was asked repeatedly, "When are Nana and Poppa here? How much longer? Where do you think they are?" Over and over and over again. I'm not sure who was more relieved when they finally pulled in, me or the kids! Of course, they weren't here 15 minutes and John had the car completely unloaded, and Maureen had the candy passed out. And she wondered why Katty didn't eat much supper. Somehow, during all of the madness, I managed to escape by myself for a trip to the grocery store. And I even managed to get Connor to do some math tonight. Of course, he wasn't pleased about this, and even had the nerve to complain about doing homework during March break. This didn't last very long, I think even he knew better then to push that one too much.

The kids are pretty excited Nana and Poppa are here. It will help break up the time for them. Maureen will be staying here for the week while John works in Kingston , and then they will be off to Ottawa for a week, before coming back for Easter. I must admit I'm pretty excited too have some company too. John is a fantastic laundress, after all. And we have a big project planned for when he comes back. Speaking of projects, apparently, Nana and the kids have a trip to the store planned for tomorrow. Each of the kids got to add one thing to their shopping list. Elizabeth's was, "candy, candy, and more candy." Lord help us all.

"When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window. "~~Ogden Nash


Gerry said...

Poppa does the laundry and Nana does the vacuuming - life is good!!!

Glad to hear you made it there safely with big & bad weather all around you.

Oh and belated happy valentines to Poppa from Rick B.

Gerry said...


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that John hasn't aken my title away from me!! I'm gonna POUT!!