Today was a cold and dreary spring day in Petawawa. It was ugly. Ugly, that is, until we had about 5 cms of big fluffy snow fall late this afternoon. It clung to the pine trees, like a scene straight out of a Hallmark Christmas card. Too bad it didn't look like this at Christmas. I prefer there not to be snow on the ground at Easter. I hate March, it's such a fickle month, one day it's beautiful and sunny, a promise of the warm months to come, the next cold and bleak, and depressing. Manic March. It can make up it's mind. Happy one minute, cranky the next. Oh, it sounds like Katty, who was very cranky again today. She's still tired from her late night, and she's got a loose tooth that is driving her crazy. Her mood did not help my mood at all. Of course, my foul mood may have also been influenced by the "no new messages" I got every time I checked our e-mail account, which means I couldn't buy any deodorant today, darn it. Obviously Dan was very busy today, or he has gone back out already. I hate that. I feel so bad for him. He must be so tired. Much as I complain about being alone for the last 8 weeks, it's far worse for him. He doesn't have any down time at all, and won't even have a day off until his leave in June. I really can't wait until June.
So today, was a very uneventful day in the Bobbitt homestead. The kids had swimming this morning, and then played outside until we finally went into town this afternoon. Nana thought it might be nice to take them into DQ for an ice cream. We were both feeling a little shack wacky., so it was something to do. Who knew we'd be driving home in blizzard like conditions?? The kids are now in bed, though Connor and Libby can't sleep. Connor is being kept awake by Pine Cone, who is chewing on his bars, and Libby is just wound up (might have been the smarties in the ice cream this afternoon). Of course, Nana is also watching Poseidon right now, and every time something happens, she yelps. No wonder the kids can't sleep. Come to mention it, Libby did say she was scared, and Nana does sound like some kind of wounded animal every time she yelps. Oh my, she's like a bad little kid. She'd better not have nightmares, cause she's not coming upstairs with me.
"Spring weather is life a child’s face, changing three times a day. "~~Anonymous
So today, was a very uneventful day in the Bobbitt homestead. The kids had swimming this morning, and then played outside until we finally went into town this afternoon. Nana thought it might be nice to take them into DQ for an ice cream. We were both feeling a little shack wacky., so it was something to do. Who knew we'd be driving home in blizzard like conditions?? The kids are now in bed, though Connor and Libby can't sleep. Connor is being kept awake by Pine Cone, who is chewing on his bars, and Libby is just wound up (might have been the smarties in the ice cream this afternoon). Of course, Nana is also watching Poseidon right now, and every time something happens, she yelps. No wonder the kids can't sleep. Come to mention it, Libby did say she was scared, and Nana does sound like some kind of wounded animal every time she yelps. Oh my, she's like a bad little kid. She'd better not have nightmares, cause she's not coming upstairs with me.
"Spring weather is life a child’s face, changing three times a day. "~~Anonymous
Hey here's an idea - how bout if Nana and Pinecone shared a room??!!
Excellent idea Gerry. Why didn't I think of that?? Last week, Nana asked me if Pine Cone was alright, because she hadn't heard him at night. I mentioned it to Connor when he got home. His response, "Yes, he's been giving it (so much like his father) on the wheel. I'm not surprised Nana couldn't hear him though, she's been snoring too loud."
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