I have decide single parenthood is a pain in the ass. I know this is a shocking revelation, but there it is. Nobody ever said life would be easy, and I certainly knew this deployment would be very difficult. Factor in one prepubescent 11 year old boy, and you've passed difficult and arrived at level 3 of hell. Connor went off to school with a 3 page note for his teacher. Of course, you know he was thrilled by this. It didn't help that we started off the day with the discovery of 5 missing math pages at the bottom of his back pack. That boy is going to drive me over the edge, I know it. Surprisingly, he had a good day at school, 3 smiley faces from his teacher. You wouldn't know it though, he was cranky the minute he got off the bus. The bad mood might have something to do with the meeting I have tomorrow afternoon with his teacher. I know he is worried he will have a lot of extra work to do. Too quote Libby, "Well, Duh!" I'm not quite sure what he expected to happen after he brought home his report card, but it sure as hell is not going to be a ticker tape parade. The last time I checked, we don't celebrate mediocre results. His fowl mood continued when I told him he had to go to cubs. Of course, that resulted in another, "Cubs is boring" argument. Funny how he had a great time once he got there. The mother of all arguments came at bedtime, though. He didn't get home from cubs until 8:35 pm, so I let him have a snack before bed. The proverbial shit hit the fan at 9 pm when I told him it was bedtime. You would have thought I'd cut off his arm. The screaming and yelling that ensued could be heard down the street, I'm sure. He is one lucky little boy that his daddy was not home. Of course, once he calmed down, he felt terrible and was very apologetic. In the end, he still ended up going to bed, and he still didn't get to watch that ever so important, brand new episode of Mystery Hunters. Oh, and he gets to go to bed an extra 30 minutes early tomorrow night. If he keeps the attitude up, he might end up having his bedtime at 3:30 pm, as soon as he gets off the bus. You know, I can't believe people actually choose to be single parents. Seriously, they must be masochistic, or smoking crack at the very least. There is no way in hell I'd ever volunteer to do this alone. This is so not my idea of a fun way to spend a year, but there it is. Endure it we must. We don't have to like it, we just have to get on with it. Five weeks in and I already need a vacation. On the bright side, I have seriously earned me some honking bling this week.
Monica I think you have signed up for a few more years of giving mom grief and why things aren't fair..and how come I have to do this stupid homework anyways, and how come I cant go to cubs.. they think they can be rewarded for all the bad deeds, and will try their darnest to con you into it.. Good Luck Cousin.. Be there and done it...lol
Monnie I truly believe we have all set our standards way too high! Boys are so different from girls! They don't care about pleasing teachers (often), they are not at all compliant about being organized and neat neat nor do they really want accolades for this sort of accomplishment. We found the most awful things in Lo and D's desks at school. I used to go and tidy things up on those school visitation nights. I recall at least two bananas, a leaking drink box and a very ripe apple. It is only now, at 16 that I see a glimmer of organization in D. Lo is still in training!
You know, I was thinking all along that Conner, at 11 is going to be most affected by Dan's deployment. He is also surrounded by girls in a girl house. (I know how he feels in the reverse!) This will complicate the next few months but you will all get through this.
Just thank your lucky stars you chose not to juggle a career and raising kids!
Stay the course kiddo. We'll be there before Gramma!!
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