Friday, 4 May 2007


Note to self: do not buy house in an area surrounded by hardwood trees again. Allergies suck, there are no ifs, ands or buts about it. Of course, if I'd had my shots, I probably would not be suffering as much as I am right now. But I didn't and so here I am, feeling wretchedly miserable. Whats even worse is Connor is feeling equally miserable. Poor little bugger, I feel so bad for him. He spent 2 hours trying to get sand out of his eyes because they were itchy and sore. The worst part was, he couldn't figure out where the sand came from. When he finally told me, I had to break the news to him it's his allergies doing it. This is the first year his eyes have really bothered him, they are all blood shot and puffy. Elizabeth actually thought we'd both been crying. We must look pretty scary. Well, scarier then usual, that is. The kids and I had a long discussion tonight about the things we're allergic too (thanks for that, by the way, Mom. Oh and you'll be happy to know Gramma, I told them to blame you for the allergy legacy). As I listed the trees I was allergic to, Elizabeth stopped me. "Wait a minute mommy, you're allergic to maple trees? You're Canadian, its wrong for you to be allergic to maple trees. No Canadian should be allergic to maple trees." She's right, it is wrong, on so many levels. Speaking of Elizabeth, I'm reasonably sure she is suffering from allergies too. Her voice has been very hoarse for 3 days, she sounds as if she smoked an entire pack of smokes today. Luckily, she has a doctor appointment Monday morning anyway, so we'll verify that. Thank goodness we have a drug plan, I already spent $200 today on prescriptions for Connor and I. And if that wasn't all bad enough, the kids gleefully reminded me today that I am not allergic to dogs, just cats. How fortuitous for them!

"What linguistic genius set up the sneeze and wheeze to rhyme so very perfectly with the word for allergies?"~~Charlie N. Abbers


Anonymous said...

Have to tell those Grandkids of mine that you can get shorthaired cats that don't produce allergens like my long hairs do.

Anonymous said...

And, BTW, I just realized you are blaming all the allergy problems on moi.....I have to remind you that I AM NOT allegic to maple, birch, oak or any other trees. If you have those allergies, they DID NOT come from your mother. So there!!!!!

I do admit to allergies from grasses, and weeds tho!