I'm cranky. Okay, I'm always cranky, but today, I'm really cranky. It's been one of those days. Katherine is still coughing, so we were up all night. The kids all had a fit about going to swimming lessons this morning, and then I got to spend my afternoon driving them to their various activities. The girls had a Girl Guides year end party and barbecue this afternoon, but of course it was freezing and their was no bathroom, so we came home early from that. I thought at least I wouldn't have to cook them supper, but no, they didn't like the food so I still had to cook when we got home. At least Connor was happy, he was at his friend's birthday party. But what made me the most cranky was someone stealing my Support Our Troops magnets off of my van. Yesterday after the Red Friday rally, we discovered someone had gone up and down our street and stole all of the magnets off of every car on the street. Even the house of the OPP officer, I'm thinking he did not have his police car in the driveway that night, or maybe he did, and they just didn't care. I am so not amused. I've no doubt it was the gaggle of kids who were hanging out at the park Friday night. It's a good thing I didn't catch them, or they would have got a blast. Wankers. Really, why would they do that? Because they were bored and thought it was really funny, I suppose. I'll show them funny! All that's left of my magnets is the dirt that was underneath them. Great, now I don't have my magnets, and I need to wash the van. Buggers.
"Teenagers complain there's nothing to do, then stay out all night doing it."~~Bob Phillips
"Teenagers complain there's nothing to do, then stay out all night doing it."~~Bob Phillips
Cool! You don't even need a magnet, the dirt stain does the same job and nobody can steal it. That'll show the buggers.
I take mine in at nite...yeah weird I know...
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