I probably shouldn't say this as it has been cold and rainy at home, but it was a beautiful day here today. It's a good thing too, as it was Gramma's last day, and she needed to get all of my laundry done. I have been positively spoiled, I haven't touched the washing machine in five whole days. I think I might have forgotten how to turn it on. I've even managed to get most of it put away, only one basket left, which is positively unheard of here. With Gramma's help, I also finally managed to get Libby's room sanded, and it's all ready to start painting on Thursday. And I got to go for a walk four days in a row, which was very nice as the kids were off today, and Connor had a book report to write, and a test to study for. Don't ask. The kids loved having her around, although I think they were getting tired of her telling them to shut the door so the mosquitoes wouldn't get in. And yes, the buggers are still leaving the door open. And can you believe we got through an entire visit without one argument, though I did get the look when I called her Hazel while I was talking to Nana on the phone. She's all packed and ready to go. I think she is anxious to get home. Not sure if she is more anxious to see Dad or the cats, but my money is on the cats. We're heading off to Ottawa first thing tomorrow, so I can have time to shop at the real mall before I drop her off at the airport after lunch. I love the real mall. I think I might even take mom to the jewellery store to meet the anti military girl I had the run in with a few weeks ago. Now, that could be very interesting.
"Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother."~~Edward H. Dreschnack
1 comment:
Would you believe, I've done 3 loads of laundry of my own here today, air-dried and folded. also did 4 loads for Viv too in the morning.
Too bad we forgot to visit that broad in the jewelry store. I had some un-pleasant words all ready for her too.
Tell the kids to SHUT THE DOOR!!!
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