We have friends from Ottawa coming to visit tomorrow so I did some baking. Katty and I baked pumpkin bread, and made cookies. She had fun, but not as much fun as baking with Gramma. Apparently she jazzes the whole process up. I was told numerous times I was doing it wrong, "That's not how Gramma does it? Are you sure this is going to turn out right? Maybe we should call Gramma and ask her." Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. And actually, I gave Gramma the recipe, so there!!
While we were doing that, Connor was off to Cubs. They went on a field trip to the Military Police Station. He thought that was pretty cool, especially when they got locked in the jail cell. He was quite disappointed they didn't come equipped with bathrooms and televisions. And the beds aren't very comfortable. Only little tiny cots, no down comforters. Hello, not a hotel. But then again, it is Canada, no wonder the poor boy was expecting a luxury resort. I did remind him people went to jail to be punished, which led to a discussion of various crimes people commit, and how long a sentence they served, which led to the inevitable, "Dad's deployment is as long as a prison sentence." Funny, I've often thought that myself. More like house arrest though. Oh, and this is definitely not a luxury spa! "Have you ever gone to jail Mom?" Uh, no! "Do you know any one who has ever been to jail?" No comment. He looked a little nervous when I informed him people went to jail for being belligerent. Funny, he was extremely polite and respectful the rest of the night. He has decided he really wouldn't like to go to jail. Good plan. Maybe he should go on field trips to police stations more often.
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But, it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."~~Winston Churchill