Some are sad, and some are glad, and some are very, very bad. From Dr Seuss' lips to God's ears. It was just one of those days. The kind you know is going to be annoying before you even get out of bed. Katty did not sleep well last night, at one point she was yelling at Connor in her sleep, which leads me to believe she was still very annoyed about the whole walrus incident. So because Katherine did not sleep well, I did not sleep well, and getting out of bed before 8am on a Saturday morning is just wrong. Luckily today was swimming lesson day. Whoever decided that 9:10 am Saturday morning was a good time for swimming lessons, needs a kick in the ass. One hint, it wasn't Dan. But at least they had a temporary distraction. All 3 of them love swimming, the girls especially. Of course, Connor likes it as well, but would never admit it. They are doing fantastic, and are progressing really well. They can all out swim me. Actually, they could out swim me doing the doggy paddle, but never mind. I love watching them. Connor and Libby are in the same level. Actually, they are the only 2 in their level, so they've done a lot of stuff for the next level already. It was too funny today. Watching Connor was just like watching Poppa swimming at the lake, minus the ball cap, of course. How that boy manages to keep his head as dry as he does is beyond me. Connor hates to get water in his eyes, just like Poppa, I might add. One of the exercises today was diving to get rings from the bottom of the pool. Libby got 4 for every one of his. He was far too busy wiping the water off of his face to look for rings. Of course, she took great pleasure in beating her older brother!! I'm sure that soon enough, he'll want to wear his hat when he goes in the lake too, God help us!
They were pretty happy when they got home, Daddy sent them each an e-mail, which made their day. Of course, the happiness soon dissipated and they were back to quarrelling over the most inane things. First it was Connor and Katty, then it was Libby and Katty. God forbid all 3 of them actually be happy at the same time. I swear they take turns at it, just to drive me crazy. Luckily, Connor went to a friends for a sleepover, otherwise I'm sure they'd still be at it. I must say, I took immense pleasure in dropping him off for the sleepover. They invited the same lot of boys Connor had at his party, plus the birthday boy. Five 11/12 year old boys, you so could not pay me enough to do that one again. I briefly thought about warning them, but then thought, no, this should be something they experience for themselves. I tried to hold in my maniacal laughter as I ran from the house and sped off in the van, but I think they might have been suPISScious of my hasty retreat.
The girls and I then went to Jen's for pizza. They had fun, though Katty spent most of the time terrorizing poor Cameron, who is only 4. She would not leave the poor boy alone. I bet he is really, really glad now he does not have sisters. The girls were pretty anxious to get home because they have the house all to themselves. I've got to say, they had a great night. Funny how they get along much better when it's just the two of them. I shall savour the peace this evening, because once Connor comes home tomorrow, they will revert to their normal bickering ways. After all, two's company, three's a brawl.
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