Tuesday, 6 February 2007


So, I had a bad day. For no particular reason really (though a wise friend pointed out it might have something to do with Dan being 10,000 miles away, having 3 children, and running a business). I can't pin down the reason (though if Dan were here, he'd blame it on hormones). Whether it was any of those reasons or all of the above, it was just one of those days. I felt at loose ends all day. I was so bored, I actually broke down and did housework. That's just wrong on so many levels. It's not that I didn't have anything to do, but none of it was interesting. The highlight of my day was Connor walking around saying (insert cheesy Australian accent here), "Crickey look at the turban on that Taliban." I'm sure its not very pc but it was funny at the time. Thank goodness it's Tuesday and House is on tonight, otherwise I'd really go mad.

Seriously though, maybe the second week is harder. The kids seem to be having a harder time this week. They've become the Bickersons again. Picking at each other over the silliest things, as kids are want to do. Plus, they are all full of head cold, so that does not help. And after a month of doing so much better in school, Connor is goofing off again, so I have had to lay down the law. We'll see how effective it is. At any rate, Boston Legal is on (I love Bill Shatner), and the day is almost over. And tomorrow is another day.

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow."-- Orison Marden.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Okay, so you think that cranky guy from House will cheer you up? And Bill Shatner! Whenever I see him I keep looking for those jumpsuits he used to wear on Star Trek (how's that for dating myself). Honestly though, you and the kids are "shack wacky". Join the club on that one kid!! It took me ten minutes to get dressed warmly enough to walk the dog tonight and he mostly barked at me for the whole time! I felt like that little boy in The Christmas Story...you know, the one dressed so warmly he can't move. Spring will be here soon. XX

Love Mary