Sunday, 18 February 2007

The Cousins Are Coming, The Cousins Are Coming......

The cousins are coming, the cousins are coming.. It sounds like a rally cry from the War of 1812, but no, it's just the reaction our children had last night when I informed them that their Bobbitt cousins from Ottawa were coming for a visit today. I admit, my reaction was pretty much the same. I think the best part of living in Ottawa last year (besides the shopping), was being so close to Mike and Annette. We got to spend a lot of time with them, and the kids became extremely close. It was the only thing our kids complained about when we moved to Pet, that they would not be able to see "The Cousins" (how can you tell they have Valley blood?) every weekend. I must say the kids were very cooperative this morning, all I had to do was break out the, "Don't make me call Uncle Mike", and they were cleaning their rooms faster then you could say "Uncle Mike rides his bike, at night." If only they knew I'd never call him, as that would punish me far more then them. Well, what they don't know won't hurt them, right? I've got to say, this has been the best weekend since Dan left. Adult company both days, and even better Mike (he really is almost a good brother in law), watched all 6 kids this afternoon so Annette and I could go see a movie together. Not just any movie I might add, but the new Hugh Grant movie (Have I mentioned I have a thing for the British Hughs?? Sigh). Bliss, pure unadulterated bliss. The kids had an awesome day with Uncle Mike and the Cousins. And why is it, they didn't ask him for a thing, but as soon as Annette and I got back, the "I'm thirsty, I'm hungry" started?? Typical! The kids had so much fun, they wanted to know if they could come up every weekend to entertain them! They were a bit disappointed when I told them that was not going to happen, but they quickly got over it. Seems Uncle Mike (bless him), brought them a dvd of Weird Al videos, so they were able to entertain themselves with that for a few hours. Thankfully, I had another movie date tonight with my friend Arlene (Dreamgirls, an excellent movie, though sadly lacking the Hugh Factor), otherwise I would still be sitting her singing "Just Eat It." Not a bad idea, come to think of it, I think there is still some birthday cake left from yesterday.

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."~~Jane Howard

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