Well, you'll all be happy to know Katty had a much better day today. No remedial work, and no detention. I tried to convince her to take a cantaloupe to use as a drum at lunch time, but she just looked at me like I was crazy (well, duh).
So I was cleaning up today, and found a stack of Libby's "works in progress". She is quite the little writer. In fact, her teacher recently went to a symposium of other french immersion teachers in the district, and took with her a portfolio of Libby's work. They all read her stories, and decided she is writing at a grade 5/6 level (she's in grade 3). In her classroom, they get awarded points based on how well they do on their assigned work. Last week they had to write a Saint Valentines story. Libby's earned 200 points, she was the only one in the class to get any for that assignment. I love it when I find her stories to read (thank goodness the ones she writes at home she writes in English, otherwise, I'd be totally lost). The one that caught my eye today is titled, The Goblin in the Garage. I had to laugh. The garage is always such a hot button issue in our household. It is the one thing guaranteed to send my normally calm, and level headed husband into a tailspin (besides the laundry and storage rooms, but we'll discuss those after I drag the Easter Rubbermaid's out). I think his obsession might stem from an unresolved emotional reaction, dating back to the time the rats lived in the garage (I have suggested counselling). He could care less if the rest of the house is falling down around our ears, but if one of these 3 rooms is messy, he gets ugly! In fact, we very rarely fight, but when we do, its usually about the state of one of these rooms. You see, I could care less if the garage, laundry, and storage rooms are neat and tidy. I subscribe to the old adage out of sight, out of mind. Dan, not so much. In fact, when we are having people over, the first thing he does is clean any one off the aforementioned rooms (we do a lot of entertaining in the storage room). I even have a friend who keeps reminding me to keep the garage tidy while Dan's gone. She's such a smart ass. I'm sure its driving Dan crazy to know he has left the care of his beloved garage in my less then capable hands, and really, it is my top priority, honest. I mean it. I'd take a picture and show you all just how clean and orderly it is, but I store my sign boards in there, and well, I wouldn't want the competition to see them. Oh, and I'd also like to not be divorced. I can, however, show you a picture of the door, it's nice and clean. Today, however, I feel vindicated. Because it wasn't me, it was the goblin the whole time. I knew there was no way I could make that much mess. How many times did I tell you it wasn't me Dan, and you never believed it? I bet you feel bad now. It wasn't me, it was the goblin. He prefers to be known by his first name, by the way. His name is Zaca! And he likes to make a mess in our garage. I'd like to tell you more about him, but apparently that is as far as Libby got with his biography. I'll have to get back to you with the details. Oh, and I promise the garage will be nice and tidy when you get home, even if it takes Zaca the entire month of August to clean it. Honest.
1 comment:
So glad to hear that Elizabeth is so accomplished in French, Perhaps the reason why we're lost in French is because we came to learning it so late in our educational years,
And don't feel to bad about your garage. You should take a look at ours then you wouldn't worry.
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