I had a chance tonight to spend an hour alone with Libby while Katty and Connor were off at Sparks and Cubs. So, after a trip to the store for some stuff for Daddy's parcel (you'll be pleased with her selections daddy), we went to Tim Horton's for a hot chocolate. Apparently, a lot goes on in that little head of hers, and I learned quite a few interesting facts this evening. Foremost on her mind was that today was flag day, and they did nothing, imagine it, nothing to acknowledge it at school. And what was even worse, none of the kids in her class knew the words to "The Maple Leaf Forever" (say it isn't so), but the biggest insult of all, the insult to end all insults, "did you know there are kids in the class that don't know Queen Elizabeth is our Queen", and Lord help us all, "they don't even know the words to God Save the Queen". She clearly was "not amused" How can this be?? How can this be indeed?? Now I must say, I agree with her on this one, but admittedly, I am a bit of an anglophile, but even so, the last time I checked, we were still a part of the Commonwealth, and therefore Queen Elizabeth is still our Queen, and we ought to respect that. Which brings me to the next part of our conversation. At one point in time, Elizabeth announced that she was going to be Queen Elizabeth III. I asked her tonight if that was still the plan. The response, "Well, I'm not so sure mommy, I'd have to marry a Prince for that to happen, and I'm kind of set on marrying Noah (the son of good friends of ours, British, I might add). "Well Libby", I said, " you are young , you might meet a Prince yet." She pondered this for a moment, before replying, "He'd have to be SOME kind of Prince." Indeed.
Of course, the conversation next turned to Daddy, and how much she missed him. She drew a lovely picture of him on the chalkboard in the kitchen. I mentioned to her I'd take a picture for daddy to see it. "He's got one leg longer then the other you know." "Really?? In the picture or are you talking about his real legs?" "Both" was the reply. "Are you sure, I've never noticed it." There was a dramatic sigh, "Well there is from my point of view." Well alrightie then. She took a drink of her hot chocolate before stating, "Uncle Mike rides his bike at night." Interesting. Before I could reply to this, I was asked what kind of tea camels drink, the answer chamomile of course. Well, duh. Speaking of tea, "why do we call it tea." I tried to explain this, but I was cut off. "Really, they should call it hot flavoured coloured water, because that's all it is." I never knew this, but okay. Perhaps tea is easier to remember. Maybe. Next I was told she got moved to the front of the class. Oh, I said, that's too bad. You must miss Melora ( her best friend). Oh no, Melora had been moved ages ago, apparently they talked to much. Shocking that. By this point in time, my ears were ringing, and it was time to pick up Katty. As we got in the van, she said, "So this is what it's like to be an only child." I asked her if she'd like that. "Medium" she replied. "It would be nice to get all of the attention, but I would miss Connor and Katty. Not their fighting though. Their fighting wears me out." Me too Lib, me too!
"The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear, The Maple Leaf Forever. God save our Queen and heaven bless, The Maple Leaf Forever."~~Alexander Muir
1 comment:
Sounds like my girl. More should be taught in the schools to honer the flags, both our Maple Leaf and out Union Jack that so many of our men and women fought and died under.
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