Can you believe it? It's February 21 and there has not been one major snowstorm this winter. In Petawawa, where the first snowfall happens in October, and there is still snow on the ground until at least the end of April. There is barely any snow on the ground. I kid you not. Shocking isn't it?? Now, let me say, this is not necessarily a bad thing. The last time Dan was deployed, there was so much snow, I could barely see to back out of the driveway. Come to think of it, I can barely see now to back out the driveway, but never mind. Its got to be one of those strange cosmic karma things. When Dan was deployed last time, our neighbour actually shovelled his snow into MY driveway. This lasted for several weeks, until one night, as I struggled to shovel the snow that he had snow-blowed in front of my garage door, I lost it, and let him have it! I told him in no uncertain terms how unimpressed I was, that while I was alone for 5 months with 3 children (who were 5, 3, and 1 at the time), he was actually making my life more difficult by constantly shovelling his snow onto my side of the driveway. I may have also called him a few choice names. Maybe. Shortly after that, he moved. Good riddance, I say. So here we are, Dan has deployed once again in January, but this time, shovelling is not an issue. Because not 1 but 3, count them 3 neighbours have kindly offered to clear my driveway. And it hasn't snowed once. The irony of it all! Oh, we've had a few cms of snow here and there, but nothing substantial. And I know, everyone is thinking this is a bad thing because? Because our poor children are bored to tears. There is not enough snow for them to do anything. No snow forts or snowmen, barely enough for tobogganing (but too cold on the hill anyway). Whereas they would normally spend hours outside digging snow tunnels, and making snow angels, this winter they have barely been out at all. But the worst insult of all, the buses have not been cancelled once!! Not once! And that's a big deal, because they don't cancel school here, just the buses. Last year we lived across the street from the school, so I took them anyway. And yes, I am heartless. So imagine how excited they were to be bused this year. Surely in Petawawa the buses would be cancelled several times. No such luck (and this is where the lack of snow is not a bad thing for mommy), they haven't been cancelled once. The Bobbitt 3 came home from school today, positively vibrating. There is a storm a coming! We're finally supposed to get 10-15 cms of snow. They are so excited. Libby has been up at least 5 times to check if its snowing yet, and I've lost track of how many times Connor's asked me if I think the buses are going to be cancelled tomorrow. And maybe I should turn the radio on now, and check, just in case. I just checked the forecast, and they are still calling for snow, but no heavy snowfall warnings. I fear the Bobbitt 3 are in for a disappointment tomorrow morning. Which means things could get ugly around here. If only there were a snowbank for me to go hide behind.

"Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative."~~Oscar Wilde
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