It's hard to believe but we are on week 4 already. Sometimes the time seems to fly by, at other times it crawls along. The kids had a good weekend so I had high hopes that the week would start off on the right track. My hopes were quickly dashed (and really how naive to think all would go smoothly) when Katherine got off the bus this afternoon. I could just tell she was not happy by the look on her face. And indeed she was not, she was quite indignant in fact. Seems she had more then one run in with her teacher today. The first because she did not finish her printing practice in the hour allotted, and was very stressed about it. It was obviously a major issue because I got a very pointed note (not the first I might add, agendas MUST be signed nightly, don't you know) from the teacher that Katherine MUST do this tonight for homework, as she was UNABLE to complete it during the classroom time. Sounds to me like the teacher might need to manage the classroom time better, but what do I know. I'm thinking Katty probably has enough stress in her life with her father in Afghanistan, the fact she was unable to print des cereales the requisite number of times in the space provided, probably shouldn't be a huge deal, but that's just me. By the way, I measured (yes I have obsessive tendencies), as they were to print it, des cereales is a 3" word, and the space provide was 5.5", there was no possible way for her to fit the word twice, especially if one factors in the Popsicle stick width that HAD to be left between the words. No wonder the poor kid erased it innumerable time, it was an impossible, not to mention unreasonable task. I thought the solution would be to print the words on a separate piece of paper, but oh no, this simply can not be done. I sometimes believe her teacher might have Nazi like tendencies, but again, that's just me. Its not as if the child doesn't know how to print, in fact she prints quite well and has since the age of 3, thanks in large part to Mrs Mills (I miss her so). In fact, I would hazard a guess that her printing is much more legible then her father's. I wonder what her Nazi, I mean teacher, would have to say about this.
The second incident of the day involved a detention, brought on by too much talking in the classroom (shocking that Katty might talk to much). I mistakenly thought the detention was for standing up to go to the garbage can during lunch hour, seems that was last weeks detention. I also discovered that there in fact had been another detention last week for using 2 apples as cymbals during lunch hour. Imagine how disruptive those apples would be, the sound would have positively resonated off of the walls of the classroom. And at lunch time no less. A time for quiet reflection over a soggy peanut butter sandwich, it certainly would not be the time to engage in such childlike activities. The noise must have been loud enough to shatter glass. I thought I'd give it a try, so I got out the bag of golden delicious, and the crystal and away I went. Not one piece of glass broke, damn it (I so need new wine glasses). And not only that, I could barely hear the noise they made. Maybe if they'd been good old Nova Scotia apples the noise would have been louder. Obviously, there are some issues I probably should discuss with the teacher. I was going to write her a note this evening, but decided to hold off when I realized I had addressed it to Frau Hitler. Perhaps I will write it in the morning instead.
"A child miseducated is a child lost."~~John F. Kennedy
Poor Kattie; I think Mum has to calm down and then go to the teacher. Explain to the NAZI, excuse the teacher and show her if you must how impossible that task is to finish. If all else fails sjow her the measurementyou made. If that fails flail her over her dense head with the lousy homework page. And MY Katherine does NOT tlak too much.
Well Monnie, you are only just now experiencing this reality...sadly, not all teachers are created equal!! Logan and D'arcy would attest to the fact that their favorite and very best teacher was "Mrs. Turner". Just last week the boys were reflecting on their respective time in her class. "One of the last of the old fashioned teachers" Lo said. She always had the class perform in a Shakespearean play I will never forget how seriously Logan took his role in a Midsummer's Night Dream). She taught D's class various types of dance steps , put on a recital for the parents and they ENJOYED it! She believed in the "whole student" as compared to whole language, encouraged cursive writing, reading out loud and repetitive math! She was strict but had the respect of the kids. We have had many memorable school years and some wonderful teachers (as well as a few I would rather forget) but never one quite as wonderful as Ruth Turner. Give the kids a hug! Love Aunt Mary
You are so right Aunt Mary, not all teachers are created equal. And isn't it funny that the best are the most old fashioned?? Mrs Mills ran her classroom like a tightly oiled ship, and she sounds much the same as the boys Mrs Turner. The kids had numerous presentations throughout the year, and each preformed a song or poem by themselves, even at age 3!!! Each "visiting day" was a grand production, and parents were strongly encouraged to participte, in singing and dancing, and crafts. Her favourite expression was, "Now Parents" They even had homework!! And they loved it!! Unfortunately, Katherine's teacher now has made learning not fun. She came into school 2 months late from mat leave and immediately established new rules with a 20 page classroom handbook ( for grade 1 no less). My personal favourite was the note (and I particularily enjoy the words in all capitals that are then underlined to re-empasize her point) stating that no longer would non-healthy food be accepted in the classroom, no cookies, homemade or otherwise, no puddings, and chocolate chip granola bars will not be TOLERATED. You can imagine why she might ruffle my feathers. I have absolutely no problem with discipline, God knows Katty needs it by time. Obviously it is not just Katty that she has issues with, the class has not had gym class or library for over 2 weeks now as punishment for their various criminal offenses.
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