Well, it's another new month already. And once again I beat John in our monthly game to see who could "pinch and a punch for the first of the month" first. Not surprising really, he's getting pretty slack. I even wrote it in his day planner on the first of each month to remind him, and he still can't beat me. Oh well, there's always next month. I just love this picture of him and Katty from this Christmas. She had him doing all kinds of stunts in a rousing game of Simon Says, though she probably should have called it Katty Says! And we all know what Katty says goes!
The kids were quite pleased when they went to school today, as it was their last day for the week. I swear to God the School Board is run by sadists!! In my mind, Professional Development Days should be called Torture Mom days. A three day weekend the week your husband deploys, just what every mother needs; an extra 24 hours for the kids to mope around the house and complain about being bored. Thank goodness for friends who like to spoil my kids, though. As luck would have it (and it's almost like she knew, but I'm not sure how, because I'm pretty sure I haven't complained about this PD day, oh ok, maybe I complained a little) 2 lovely big care pakages arrived from the Big Apple this morning, one full of goodies for the kids, and one full of goodies for me. There are many new distractions now tucked away for the weekend for all 4 of us, and thanks to Ann Marie, I might make it through the weekend without pulling my hair out. However, I make no such guarantees on anyone else's hair!
I had a lovely lunch today with my friend Arlene. We went to this hidden little gem of Pembroke (who knew there were any gems in Pembroke, hidden or otherwise). Arlene's husband may be going overseas as well and would be working with Dan, but they are in hurry up and wait mode. I swear that is one of the most frustrating parts of this life style. Hurry up and make a decision already. There definitely is no life like it!
"Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."-- Leo Buscaglia.
You know John just lets you win... what kind of a brute would best Fragilina! ;)
Sounds like you guys are keeping busy.
So you're still beating John to the punch. The old guy better wise up.
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